- The hosts discuss J.K. Rowling's recent transphobic comments - what's wrong with them, how fans and actors have reacted, and what to do next!
- The Trevor Project - https://www.thetrevorproject.org/
- The HPA - https://www.thehpalliance.org/
- GLAAD - https://www.glaad.org/
- Organizations That Support Black Trans Lives - https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/n7wnbb/tony-mcdade-nina-pop-how-to-help
- CDC Resources - https://www.cdc.gov/lgbthealth/youth-resources.htm
- Katy Montgomerie's explanation of the original tweets - https://medium.com/@completelykaty/why-what-jk-rowling-said-is-transphobic-42081477afa1
- Andrew James Carter's fact check of her statement - https://twitter.com/Carter_AndrewJ/status/1270787941275762689