We came to the table On Purpose With a Purpose For a Purpose! What happens when you are tired of showing up for everyone else and there’s no one to show up for you??? This is why we decided to Unwind!
Tap in as Queen Cynt and Lightskin join the conversation and dissect the responsibilities that we carry pertaining to setting boundaries and being aware of those we allow in… This is Real Talk in Real Time with Real Friends!
Guest Host:
- Queen Cynt: https://www.instagram.com/thequeencynt/
- Lightskin: https://www.instagram.com/logicallythinking/
Each person named brings an element to the conversation that compounds the thought around Showing Up and the meaning within… Babeeeeeeeeeeeee… This is one for the books.
**Dedrick’s NEW IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehmnresource/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHmnResource