Show Note: We're back! Pardon our delay. BJ is dealing with a (totally minor) medical issue that required surgery. So we've been out of commission longer than planned.
In today's episode, Amanda and Rosie talk about disinformation, what it is, how to spot it, and how to navigate our new media landscape that's flooded with AI-generated falsehoods and videos.
This week's guest: Nina Jankowicz. Former Executive Director of the Disinformation Governance Board of the United States. Nina is also the author of one of our favorite books, "How to be a Woman Online."
(Note: This interview was recorded at the end of 2022, before the announcement of Nina suing Fox News.)
Photo by Anna Tarazevich: https://www.pexels.com/photo/scam-alert-letting-text-on-black-background-5697256