Real Spiel 20/20 is an unscripted, unedited and unfiltered show hosted by Shawn King. This show takes an honest look at relevant topics and how they impact our personal and professional lives. If you liked what you heard leave us a comment below and subscribe to the show so you don't miss any future episodes. Share us with a friend or family member so we can continue to grow this program. How to approach beautiful women and build confidence from it #1. Never be scared or ashamed to approach a girl. Understand that you approaching her was probably the most interesting thing that happened to her that day. #2. 2) Mindset Shift: If you compliment her on something specific, "Hey, your hair looks really good" and just smile, do you think she will be rude to you? NO #3 DO'S Look her in the eye Approach from the front Have a smile Give her a time constraint -" hey, I'm in a hurry, but I just..." #4. DON'TS- Creepy, unsure movements Fast, Jerky reactions Never approach her from behind Don't be in her face Seeking rapport tonality ( which sounds like "please talk to me") #5. Some openers: "Hey, I wanted a female opinion on something. Would you date a guy even if he was still friends with his ex?" "Let me guess, "you went to Vanderbilt University". Assumptive statements start conversations putting her in a top tier school makes her great about herself. #6. OUTCOME INDEPENDENCE You genuinely wish her well. Whatever she says, does not change your reality. You are expressing your best self, NOT impressing #7. SUB COMMUNICATIONS Own the approach. Your body should be on the side, which says that you can walk away at any time. This makes it easier for her to talk because she knows that you're not going to "stick around for too long". Your eyes should say "Yes, I mean it." #8. WORST CASE SCENARIO: It was the most interesting thing that happened to her that day. She is going to think about it for days after. She is going to tell all her friends. MOST CASES- She is receptive, you two have good chemistry, and you both plan a date --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/realspiel2020/message