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Church membership might not seem like an exciting or relevant topic, but it's one of the most important aspects of the Christian life. In this episode, we explore a church membership covenant and discuss how we can honor the Lord by following the biblical principles laid out for members of local churches.
Here's a link to the membership covenant we walked through: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/11lsumjsbfmuty43q8nwi/MISSIONWAY-MEMBERSHIP-COVENANT.pdf?rlkey=hm65isv0aag86nqfzvyzjvxlw&dl=0
Here's a link to the sermon on Giving that Kenny mentions in the episode: https://www.missionwaychurch.org/watch?sapurl=LytoeTJ6L2xiL21pLytjY204OXNrP2VtYmVkPXRydWUmcmVjZW50Um91dGU9YXBwLndlYi1hcHAubGlicmFyeS5saXN0JnJlY2VudFJvdXRlU2x1Zz0lMkI1cWM1ajN6
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