Ok, I had another epiphany today. When I got sober, I learned how to look at my character defects. Instead of letting them drive my behavior, I needed to shift my mindset to let humility drive my behavior.
I didn’t really know what that meant until I started living daily and noticing the scenarios where I would habitually have a fight or flight response. That response was my armor. I learned stay in the humble discomfort without self-aggrandizement, which was my fight response. What a concept!
The epiphany was that until today I never correlated my character defects to fight or flight. Now that I see that so much more of my drunken behavior makes sense. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank my sobriety network for leading me to this epiphany today. That’s why I attend sobriety meetings every single day—I deserve to grow every day. I owe it to myself.
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#SobrietyJourney #Epiphany #PersonalGrowth #CharacterBuilding #Humility #FightOrFlight #SobrietyCommunity #SelfDiscovery #DailyGrowth #OvercomingDefects #SoberLiving