
  • Clean Slate

    Hello Viewers, long time no see :). Do you feel like you nee something "new" in your life? Are you tired of dealing with the same things/people that don't add value to your life? Are you looking for a Clean slate this year? Then you are in the right place. On this weeks episode we will be discussing what does a clean slate look like and what can we do to take the steps in getting our clean slate .this is a new year which means there are new opportunities and new goals to accomplish. Let's get to it .

    Follow my instagram page: https://instagram.com/iam.enoughmsl?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

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    48 分
  • Let’s Fall in Love: Self-love Edition

    Welcome back to another episode on the I am Enough podcast with your girl Charity B. This episode we are focusing on either falling in love with yourself for the first time or falling back in love with yourself again. Some times life throws many things at us we fell to pour back into us. This episode Charity will talk about the issues she has faced this year causing her to take steps to fall back in love with herself . As well as provide you guys with important aspects of the concept and what practices you can do in your everyday life to take steps towards falling in love with oneself.


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    36 分
  • No more Distractions!

    Welcome back to another episode on the I am Enough MSL podcast with your host Charity B.! Do you feel like you have distractions in your life that are hindering you from meeting your goals? Are you someone who feels fulfilled in most parts of of your life but feel as if something is just missing or isn’t right? This episode is for you. Tune in this week to listen on a discussion about how being distracted from your goals by people or things can stop you from being the person you are destined to be. If you ready for a change hop on the train to take a journey in becoming the woman or man you are supposed to be.

    how to access the podcast on other platforms! : https://linktr.ee/iamenoughmsl

    Follow my instagram page: https://instagram.com/iam.enoughmsl?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

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  • I Am A Changing Woman …

    Well well your favorite self love podcast host is back! Tune in to listen to Charity B. discuss whats been happened , where she has been, and where she stands now. If you are someone who has experienced something that changed you this episode is for you. Rather it’s a loss of a love one, loss of a relationship or friendship. These things change you rather for good or bad. But the important thing is to learn how to still love yourself even in your unsure and unhealed moments. Toast to new beginnings!

    Follow on instagram @iam.enoughmsl


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    30 分
  • I’m Triggered
    Tune in this week to listen to an episode with Charity B. discussing how to face and cope with your triggers . The things that we deal with on a day-to-day basis can become triggers for us causing us to have negative feelings just from the thought of them. You could have experiencing unwanted and uncontrollable emotions from your past that can or are currently affecting your life now. You know that something has to give but you just don’t know how to deal with these stressors. Well you are in the right place. Here we will discuss what triggers are, how to identify and deal cope with them . So we can take back control of our lives . https://youtube.com/channel/UC5mwJ5NEY961IN9OHw_VOSQ how to access the podcast on other platforms! : https://linktr.ee/iamenoughmsl Follow my instagram page: https://instagram.com/iam.enoughmsl?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
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    1 時間
  • Healing While in a Relationship: Is it healthy or toxic?
    Tune in this week for another brand new episode on the I am Enough Podcast with Charity B. ! This is the second episode of the three part relationship series .This week we will discuss on what it looks like to try to heal while in a relationship. Healing can be done in many forms, but in this particular case we are referring to healing from past hurt we experienced from someone we were intimately involved with or someone that we cared about. We are simply discussing if it is healthy for us to try to heal while dealing with someone new. Since healing is not linear, this can be easy for some and hard for others. Charity will discuss the many pros and cons of what healing looks like while in relationship and the overall conclusion on if this is healthy or not. YouTube link https://youtube.com/channel/UC5mwJ5NEY961IN9OHw_VOSQ how to access the podcast on other platforms! : https://linktr.ee/iamenoughmsl Follow my instagram page: https://instagram.com/iam.enoughmsl?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= YouTube Handle : FOLLOW ! FOLLOW! Like, comment , and subscribe
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    39 分
  • How to Manifest Your Ideal Partner
    Are you tired of attracting the wrong people? Are you someone who doesn’t know what they really want in a partner , but just knows who you are dating is not it? Are you ready to attractthe man or woman that is for you ? Well tune in to listen in on some tips from Charity B. on how to attract your ideal partner! YouTube link https://youtube.com/channel/UC5mwJ5NEY961IN9OHw_VOSQ how to access the podcast on other platforms! : https://linktr.ee/iamenoughmsl Follow my instagram page: https://instagram.com/iam.enoughmsl?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Don’t forget to enter for my giveaway on instagram which ends July 30,2023
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    45 分
  • It’s Time to Take Your Self-Confidence Back!
    There can be many factors in our lives that effect how we feel about ourselves . It could be work , school, social media, feelings about physical image, not having enough support, and much more. We’ve allowed these things to get control of our lives lowering our self esteem and confidence. Well now it’s time to fight back . We deserve to be happy with ourselves and we have to be determined to go get it ! Tune in to listen in on an episode that helps us figure out what in our lives are causing us to not be confident in ourselves and how we can fix it . Because it’s time to get your confidence back ! how to access the podcast on other platforms! : https://linktr.ee/iamenoughmsl Follow my instagram page: https://instagram.com/iam.enoughmsl?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Link to YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UC5mwJ5NEY961IN9OHw_VOSQ
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