
  • We hold power within our Thoughts

    Hello there beautiful beings for our journey to the new year we introduce you to our second team member and with his first appearance we have them talk about thoughts and how much power they have to create and control our growth. Hope you enjoy what they have to say because they have lots to say and lots more to share.

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    51 分
  • Starting the NEW YEAR with A RANT!!

    Our season 3 episode for the New Year and giving you a glimpse of our growth with an introduction for our new team member and co host. The team is growing and also grateful for all you beautiful beings still with us and growing with us. SO lets start this year with A BANG.

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    55 分
  • Another Finale but with some advice for our listeners

    Thank you guys once again for continue to hear what DJ Daley has to rant anf for the finale of our season DJ Daley is giving some wisdom and advice to one of her listeners. Also DJ Daley has an anoucment about being a partner and taking her own brand and line of limited edition shoes.

    Give them a look and check them out!!


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    48 分
  • We are back and have returned

    Thank you guys for being patient and we do apologize for this because we have been busy and working on projects all dedicated to you my beautiful people and we hope you enjoy our show and also dont be shy to leave a comment or even if you yourself are going thru something and want a question answered DJ Daley will gladly and love top help and support you with advice and answers.

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    32 分
  • Enjoying the weather as we rant into deeper topics
    Thank you guys for still being with us this episode DJ Daley has a rant topic for you while she enjoys the weather outside. Hope you enjoy because it’s something that goes deep into perspectives.
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    28 分
  • Lets give you some positivity!!!

    Another Daley Boost from DJ Daley, sending love and positivity for you all. Don't give up and keep strong.

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    14 分
  • Friendships are valuable and no need to be toxic.

    Hello my beautiful beings, have you ever dealt with friendships that were draining and toxic? That it was more harmful than positive? DJ Daley's rant for this episode will be about how to avoid from losing a friendship that has become toxic and draining, that it can be salvaged by giving yourself space so you can recover and save a friendship because in the end it is about growth and strengthen the bond and connection as friends.

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    31 分
  • No Negativity and no room for gossip!

    OK my beautiful people here we go with two more hurt people that cause more hurt than healing. I will rant about those who are negative all the time and that always forget that their energy can cause harm. Lets not forget about those who enjoy gossip, we must understand any gossip can be harmful because its not facts its more of perception and speculation.

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    30 分