Know your labels!! Join us as we discuss shopping for better health - The quality of the food chain has slid to what can be detrimental for optimal health. The spotlight is starting to shine on what to look for to enable our food to be medicine, not poison. With obseity at near half the population from children on up, it's time to recognize over-eating isn't always the culprit. It doesn't help, but much of it is chicken and egg theory. No pun intended. The problem may well stem from ingredients we aren't even aware are in our food. Big business, with some big consequences. We will also include liquid foods, and enteral feeding. This show is a gathering place for anyone seeking recovery from the challenges of life on life's terms. Guests share their experience, strength and hope. We discuss useful tools that have helped us lighten the load, of our journey through recovery. More will be revealed! Tune in, and call in. This is a "we" recovery program, because it is in the "we," that we find the new "me." We focus on the four A's of Recovery: Awareness, Acceptance, Action and Adaptation. This is a place for survivor's striving to become thrivers. Host is Kim Justus, author of In a Flash: Miracles Hereand Beyond found at www.inaflash.org & "Like" at www.facebook.com/inaflash.org & of course "Like" Brain Injury Radio at FB :) For more on Co-Host Caren Robinson, see: hopetbi.com