Welcome to the first episode of Season 3. I am starting the season off with a solo episode because I needed to be vulnerable with you as we head into 2024.
In this episode I explain:
* My absence and the absence of new episodes at the end of the year
* Share with you some exciting news. (spoiler alert, I bought an Aerial Studio)
* Get super vulnerable about my mental health over the holidays and my fears for the future
* Share my thoughts about the new movie "The Color Purple" (spoiler alert its amazing)
* And give you my new mantra for 2024 (spoiler alert its a song from the movie)
I hope you like this episode and don't mind that I shared some personal shit with you. If you have been feeling overwhelmed, anxious or depressed please reach out and maybe we can help each other.
Always remember I love you...you beautiful HEAUX