Did you know that improv can improve your leadership and communication skills? Many of the tools used in improv can help you to become a better leader. Improv also can be a really great team-building activity to foster a culture of trust and inclusivity.
Caitlin Drago, Owner of Inspire Improv & Coaching Inc., is passionate about helping leaders and teams to communicate, collaborate and succeed by using the improv approach. Caitlin shares how active listening can improve communication. Caitlin teaches us how the improv approach can create psychologically safe and inclusive work environments. Caitlin tells us how both employees and leaders can use the tools they learned from the improv approach to have better interactions at work and home. Caitlin shares more about the release of her upcoming book Approaching Improv. Listen to Caitlin to learn all about the improv approach and how it can help you to become a stronger leader, better communicator and increase innovation.
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