I am praying that your hearts and minds are tilled and prepared for this Easter Sunday. Praying for the fourth soil, in the parable of the Sower.. A quick warning summary in Jude, from those who have no respect for God ad his Word or understand the sacrifices of Jesus Christ, his Son; trying to deceive God's people; let God's protection truly be seen in the eyes and ears of his people. Then the reading of Ephesians 1-3, a prominent conclusion by the Apostle Paul, about the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For art or prayer shawl, please contact me @ kel031186@gmail.com. Anyone who is moved to make a love offering (donations, for either the distribution of art, prayer shawls or to help support the constitutional studies ministry I am involved with) also email me. Thank you all for your love and support. You are greatly appreciated and loved in return!!!