• Leading Remote Teams - Conscious Leadership

    how to inspire the individual to be able to be productive at home.

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    15 分
  • Living an Inspired Life - Excellence

    Excellence is not a fixed destination but a dynamic balance that evolves as we grow. It’s not about rigidly adhering to ideals but embracing the wisdom to see both sides of every situation, finding harmony in the chaos. When we define excellence with this broader perspective, we liberate ourselves from the trap of unrealistic expectations. True excellence lies in the ability to see the beauty in both success and failure, in understanding that growth happens at the edge of order and chaos, and in living with the awareness that every experience has value.

    Living a life of excellence is about aligning with the natural flow of life, where balance, change, and wisdom guide our decisions and actions. By embracing this approach, we not only elevate our personal standards but also create a life that is truly inspired, grounded in the reality of life’s dualities, and enriched by every moment we experience.

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    14 分
  • Conscious Leadership - Visualisation

    In this podcast episode, Chris Walker discusses the critical role of visualization in conscious leadership. He emphasises that before any action, we visualize it in our minds, which shapes our reality. Drawing from personal experiences and examples from sports, he illustrates how powerful visualization can be in overcoming fears and achieving success. Chris also introduces techniques like dream boards and mandalas to help individuals harness the power of their imagination, concluding that visualization is essential for taking control of one's life narrative and achieving inspired living.

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    14 分
  • Conscious Leadership

    Chris Walker explores the deep impact of living an unbalanced life, particularly for business leaders, and emphasises that true fulfillment comes from aligning personal and professional lives in harmony. He advocates for a nature-inspired approach to leadership, where inspiration from the natural world helps achieve this balance. Chris also highlights the importance of viewing challenges as opportunities for growth, using nature’s wisdom to guide personal and professional success. The ultimate goal is to live inspired, lead with purpose, and see every area of life flourish.

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  • Conscious Leadership
    14 分
  • Conscious Leadership #6. Review the Past - Eliminate Doubt

    In this podcast episode, Chris Walker discusses the importance of living an inspired life and the role of reflection in personal growth. He emphasises that constantly striving for more can lead to dissatisfaction, while finding joy in the process of life is akin to winning a gold medal. Chris outlines a daily practice of reflecting on experiences by asking key questions to eliminate doubt and ensure continuous improvement. He shares personal insights on how reflection has helped him turn challenges into opportunities for growth, highlighting the significance of self-accountability for maintaining healthy relationships and overall well-being

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    7 分
  • COnscious Leadership #4 - Success Podcast 2.
    6 分
  • Conscious Leadership #4. Success Part 1.

    Chris Walker introduces the first episode of the "Conscious Leadership - Level Four: Success" series, consisting of 84 podcasts that delve into the essence of success and inspired living. He emphasises the importance of igniting curiosity as a key to transforming daily life, turning challenges into opportunities, and finding joy in routine activities. Walker encourages listeners to adopt a "beginner's mind" approach, viewing every situation with fresh eyes and a sense of wonder, which he believes will lead to a more vibrant and inspired life. The episode concludes with a call to apply these principles in daily interactions and to share the journey with others.

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