There can be many factors in our lives that effect how we feel about ourselves . It could be work , school, social media, feelings about physical image, not having enough support, and much more. We’ve allowed these things to get control of our lives lowering our self esteem and confidence. Well now it’s time to fight back . We deserve to be happy with ourselves and we have to be determined to go get it ! Tune in to listen in on an episode that helps us figure out what in our lives are causing us to not be confident in ourselves and how we can fix it . Because it’s time to get your confidence back ! how to access the podcast on other platforms! : https://linktr.ee/iamenoughmsl Follow my instagram page: https://instagram.com/iam.enoughmsl?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Link to YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UC5mwJ5NEY961IN9OHw_VOSQ