
  • Ep 17-It’s Your Fate Podcast with Lefford Fate-Success Principle #16–Budgeting Time and Money –Napoleon Hill Leader Johnnie Lloyd
    Tell me how you use your spare time and how you spend your money, and I will tell you where and what you will be 10 years from now.
    ~ Napoleon Hill

    Most people don’t look at Budgeting as something that gives them control of their life. They look at it as a negative. So, when we transfer that thought process, it causes us to build the tenacity, and the Enthusiasm to look at what we’re doing, to get us what we really want. We use Time and Money that way.

    This principle is probably one of the most powerful principles, because you need self-discipline and you need accuracy—and you need all of those the other principles in order to do this. But it can be fun. It doesn’t have to be hard. It can be fun.

    Conversations to Guide and Light Your Path in Deciding Your Definite Major Purpose. For over 30 years, my purpose was to defend our nation, and now that purpose is helping people discover their life’s purpose and grow to their full potential.

    You’ve Met Your Fate – Now Let’s Walk Into Your Destiny!

    To connect with me and pick up a copy of one of my books visit http://www.LeffordFate.com

    It’s Your Fate Podcast

    Source: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/ep-17-its-your-fate-podcast-with-lefford-fate-success-principle-16-budgeting-time-and-money-napoleon-hill-leader-johnnie-lloyd
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  • Ep 16-It’s Your Fate Podcast with Lefford Fate-Success Principle #15–Maintenance of Sound Health–Napoleon Hill Leader Sandra Valencia
    A Positive Mental Attitude aids in the development of bodily resistance against disease
    ~Napoleon Hill

    Maintenance of Health is such an important Principle these days because so many diseases and illnesses are happening recently, and this is all due to not having a mind and body health consciousness. What I mean by “mind and body health consciousness” is that not all people have a Definite Purpose or goal in life, or something that they look forward to, except, perhaps, going to work and coming home to watch TV, and living this kind of sedentary life. I’m not saying everyone does the same thing, but a big percentage of the population do these very passive activities, which can create problems. They will have issues with fear, anxiety, and other worries because they don’t have anything that excites them or makes them feel motivated. They don’t have something to look forward to, such as a specific target or goals. That’s basically why this Principle is so relevant in today’s society.

    Conversations to Guide and Light Your Path in Deciding Your Definite Major Purpose. For over 30 years, my purpose was to defend our nation, and now that purpose is helping people discover their life’s purpose and grow to their full potential.

    You’ve Met Your Fate – Now Let’s Walk Into Your Destiny!

    To connect with me and pick up a copy of one of my books visit http://www.LeffordFate.com

    It’s Your Fate Podcast

    Source: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/ep-16-its-your-fate-podcast-with-lefford-fate-success-principle-15-maintenance-of-sound-health-napoleon-hill-leader-sandra-valencia
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  • Ep 15-It’s Your Fate Podcast w/Lefford Fate-Success Principle #14–Creative Vision –Napoleon Hill Leader Alejandro Manuel Miranda Torres
    The Imagination is the workshop of the soul wherein are shaped all plans for individual achievement.
    ~Napoleon Hill

    New technologies of modern times and all scientific inventions are the result of Creative Vision. Creative Vision is responsible for the civilization of today as we know it. Creative Vision inspires men and women to experiment with new ideas in every field or endeavor. It is actually always looking for better ways of doing man’s labor and supplying human needs. Creative Vision makes human progress possible. It creates benefits for all humankind, improving all conditions on planet Earth.

    Wherever men and women with Creative Vision are found, there also will be found progress, prosperity, and high standards of living.

    Conversations to Guide and Light Your Path in Deciding Your Definite Major Purpose. For over 30 years, my purpose was to defend our nation, and now that purpose is helping people discover their life’s purpose and grow to their full potential.

    You’ve Met Your Fate – Now Let’s Walk Into Your Destiny!

    To connect with me and pick up a copy of one of my books visit http://www.LeffordFate.com

    It’s Your Fate Podcast

    Source: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/ep-15-its-your-fate-podcast-w-lefford-fate-success-principle-14-creative-vision-napoleon-hill-leader-alejandro-manuel-miranda-torres
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  • Ep 14-It’s Your Fate Podcast w/Lefford Fate-Success Principle #13–Learning from Adversity & Defeat–Napoleon Hill Certified Leader Rae Brown
    Don’t fear defeat, it may reveal to you powers you didn’t know you possessed.
    ~Napoleon Hill

    The Principle, or the law, that we call Learning from Adversity and Defeat, is pretty much the entire concept of “If you don’t win now, keep going.” It’s the law that covers the whole idea of not letting something that goes wrong in your plans stop you from getting to your goal.

    Things happen in life. Life is always in session. If the session isn’t a good session, don’t let that session stop the whole realm of things for your life. Don’t let it be the one thing that keeps you from your destiny. Things happen in life, bottom line. When Defeat comes in, you have to realize that it is not there to kill you. This may be something that allows you to see something a lot differently. It may even check your heart, it may check your character, or it may check something else in you. Defeat isn’t really about losing. Adversity isn’t really about losing. It’s about what it’s bringing to you. It’s a gift; a gift given back to you. However, we always misconstrue it because we think it’s there to hurt us.

    Conversations to Guide and Light Your Path in Deciding Your Definite Major Purpose. For over 30 years, my purpose was to defend our nation, and now that purpose is helping people discover their life’s purpose and grow to their full potential.

    You’ve Met Your Fate – Now Let’s Walk Into Your Destiny!

    To connect with me and pick up a copy of one of my books visit http://www.LeffordFate.com

    It’s Your Fate Podcast

    Source: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/ep-14-its-your-fate-podcast-w-lefford-fate-success-principle-13-learning-from-adversity-defeat-napoleon-hill-certified-leader-rae-brown
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  • Episode 13-It’s Your Fate Podcast with Lefford Fate-Success Principle #12–Teamwork –Napoleon Hill Certified Leader Lefford Fate
    There is no record of any great contribution to civilization without the cooperation of others
    ~Napoleon Hill

    Teamwork makes the dream work. In my favorite book, there’s a passage that says, “The one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves, and a cord of three strands is not easily broken.” Some of you may figure out where I got that from. (It’s Ecclesiastes 4:12.) One of the things I learned by being in the military is that I cannot do it alone. Your team is what’s going to help you win in anything. I’ve been deployed on number of occasions out there in the battlefield, and have been deployed in remote locations. The people around me, my team, is what helped me survive when times got hard. With the right team, you can do anything that you want to do. The wrong team can make your life miserable. Teamwork is extremely important in everything that we do.

    Conversations to Guide and Light Your Path in Deciding Your Definite Major Purpose. For over 30 years, my purpose was to defend our nation, and now that purpose is helping people discover their life’s purpose and grow to their full potential.

    You’ve Met Your Fate – Now Let’s Walk Into Your Destiny!

    To connect with me and pick up a copy of one of my books visit http://www.LeffordFate.com

    It’s Your Fate Podcast

    Source: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/episode-13-its-your-fate-podcast-with-lefford-fate-success-principle-12-teamwork-napoleon-hill-certified-leader-lefford-fate
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  • Episode 12-It’s Your Fate Podcast with Lefford Fate-Success Principle #11–Controlled Attention–Napoleon Hill Certified Leader Grant Campbell
    Concentration, itself is nothing but a matter of control of the attention. Learn to fix your attention on a given subject, at will, for whatever length of time you choose, and you will have learned the secret passageway to power and plenty!
    ~ Napoleon Hill

    I think everyone would agree that the distractions that exist today make Controlled Attention—or learning how to have laser-like focus, in regards to the attainment of what your goals are, or what your purpose is—as important today as it ever was.

    It’s an important topic because there are people out here that are trying to get the most out of themselves. It becomes obvious that in order to achieve, we need to be able to reduce the distractions. Everyone is looking to be more effective and more efficient at what we do. Without Controlling your Attention and what you allow your senses to latch onto, your effectiveness in the workplace—and your personal effectiveness, too—is reduced greatly.

    Conversations to Guide and Light Your Path in Deciding Your Definite Major Purpose. For over 30 years, my purpose was to defend our nation, and now that purpose is helping people discover their life’s purpose and grow to their full potential.

    You’ve Met Your Fate – Now Let’s Walk Into Your Destiny!

    To connect with me and pick up a copy of one of my books visit http://www.LeffordFate.com

    It’s Your Fate Podcast

    Source: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/episode-12-its-your-fate-podcast-with-lefford-fate-success-principle-11-controlled-attention-napoleon-hill-certified-leader-grant-campbell
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  • Episode 11-It’s Your Fate Podcast with Lefford Fate-Success Principle #10–Accurate Thinking –Napoleon Hill Certified Leader Johnnie Lloyd
    Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.

    ~Napoleon Hill

    Since Accurate Thinking is the power of thought, it can be both positive and negative, both dangerous and innovative, and both beneficial and destructive. Accurate thinking is power to take control of our own mind.

    Conversations to Guide and Light Your Path in Deciding Your Definite Major Purpose. For over 30 years, my purpose was to defend our nation, and now that purpose is helping people discover their life’s purpose and grow to their full potential.

    You’ve Met Your Fate – Now Let’s Walk Into Your Destiny!

    To connect with me and pick up a copy of one of my books visit http://www.LeffordFate.com

    It’s Your Fate Podcast

    Source: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/episode-11-its-your-fate-podcast-with-lefford-fate-success-principle-10-accurate-thinking-napoleon-hill-certified-leader-johnnie-lloyd
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  • Episode 10-It’s Your Fate Podcast with Lefford Fate-Success Principle #9–Self-Discipline –Napoleon Hill Certified Leader John Raniola
    The great master key to riches is nothing more or less than the self-discipline necessary to help you take full and complete possession of your own mind~Napoleon Hill

    Self-Discipline—as Napoleon Hill touches on it—is to control your mind, your thoughts, and your actions. If you cannot control your actions, your mind, or your thoughts, you’re not going to be able to control your reality, how you vision life and everything else, or your perspective in life.

    Conversations to Guide and Light Your Path in Deciding Your Definite Major Purpose. For over 30 years, my purpose was to defend our nation, and now that purpose is helping people discover their life’s purpose and grow to their full potential.

    You’ve Met Your Fate – Now Let’s Walk Into Your Destiny!

    To connect with me and pick up a copy of one of my books visit http://www.LeffordFate.com

    It’s Your Fate Podcast

    Source: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/episode-10-its-your-fate-podcast-with-lefford-fate-success-principle-9-self-discipline-napoleon-hill-certified-leader-john-raniola
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