
  • Nothing Wasted

    Hi friends! 

    On today’s episode I am excited to encourage you that NOTHING IS WASTED about the wilderness year of 2020 that we have all been walking through. In today’s talk, we will discuss how this wilderness year has shown us a great truth about ourselves. Truth about what we believe in, whom we trust, what we focus on, what we’re scared of, and so much more. 

    2020 is not a wasted year. The season you are in is not a wasted season. The circumstances you are walking through are not part of a wasted journey. They all serve a purpose in our story to ultimately give God glory. The righteousness of our lives is often brought about through trials, tests, and journeys through the fiery wilderness. I’d say that’s what 2020 has been. A wilderness year where we have had to be brutally honest with ourselves and before God about our true condition.

    "If you only look at us, you might well miss the brightness. We carry this precious Message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives. That's to prevent anyone from confusing God's incomparable power with us." 2 Corinthians 4:7-8

    Listen in today to reflect on the past year and look forward to 2021 with vision and purpose. Pull up a chair and grab your favorite drink…let’s just sit and talk for awhile. I pray that after today’s episode we are all a bit more prepared to say “It is Well” in our pursuit of righteousness.

    Thank you for joining in on the journey. I can’t wait to chat with you again soon!

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    21 分
  • Focusing Well w/Cleere Cherry Reaves Pt.2

    Hi friends! 

    On today’s episode my friend, Cleere Cherry Reaves and I will continue the conversation of FOCUSING WELL. In today’s talk, we will allow the dreamer in each of us to be inspired while also tackling the idea of staying focus amidst busy-ness.

    Focusing Well enables us to release what is good to partner with what is BEST. God’s transformative power is then at work in our lives as He changes us in a gentle and kind way. We can be transformed through one idea, one word, one thought at a time and become more of who He has called us to be because we are more intentionally focusing on Him.

    John 10:27 “My sheep listen to my voice; I know then, and they follow me."

    So, listen in on to PART 2 today to hear about how FOCUSING WELL can positively change your life! Pull up a chair and grab your favorite drink…let’s just sit and talk for awhile. I pray that after today’s episode we are all a bit more prepared to say “It is Well” on our journey towards becoming more focused on the Lord.  

    Thank you for joining in on the journey. I can’t wait to chat with you again soon!

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    34 分
  • Focusing Well w/Cleere Cherry Reaves Pt.1

    Hi friends! 

    On today’s episode my friend, Cleere Cherry Reaves and I will discuss the importance of FOCUSING WELL. Our conversation is a deep well of wisdom as we uncover the distractions of life, the way God cares for the dreams of our hearts, and the insight for shifting our complex mindsets one concept at a time. 

    Focusing Well allows us to cut through the distractions of life in order to look for God and find Him in new ways. It is then that we realize that God is using the places and positions we are in now to prepare us for what He has prepared for us.

    Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you."

    Our conversation was so rich that we’ve divided the episode into two parts! 

    So, jump on to PART 1 today to hear about how FOCUSING WELL can positively change your life today! Then, tune in again next week to hear Part 2 of this same idea. Pull up a chair and grab your favorite drink…let’s just sit and talk for awhile. I pray that after today’s episode we are all a bit more prepared to say “It is Well” on our journey towards becoming more focused on the Lord.  

    Thank you for joining in on the journey. I can’t wait to chat with you again soon!

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    29 分
  • Obeying Well w/Megan West

    Hi friends! 

    On today’s episode my friend, Megan West and I will discuss the importance of OBEYING WELL. Our conversation is full of real life examples of obeying God in the midst of uncertainty, change, transition, and all of the things we told God we would “never” do. Megan shares so much wisdom about how our obedience impacts our relationship with God and the fruit that is born of our lives. 

    Obeying God may often lead us towards actions and service that looks counter cultural to the “norm” of the world. So, we must remember whom we serve and do all that we set our hearts and hands to in honor of our singular audience, Jesus. 

    Colossians 3:23-24 "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ."

    So, tune in today to hear about how OBEYING WELL can positively change your life today! Pull up a chair and grab your favorite drink…let’s just sit and talk for awhile. I pray that after today’s episode we are all a bit more prepared to say “It is Well” on our journey towards becoming more obedient.  

    Thank you for joining in on the journey. I can’t wait to chat with you again soon!

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    36 分
  • Healing Well Pt. 2

    Hi friends! 

    On today’s episode I will share my personal story of pregnancy loss and my journey of healing. I believe that God is bringing me through this struggle so that I might reflect on it and share it for His glory; I pray that these words do just that. If you are yearning for something in life, a baby or something else, this episode is for you! The way that we heal from the loss and hardship of life shows a lot about who we are and the God we believe in.

    To heal well, we have to set ourselves about the everyday action of fixing “our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:17-18)

    We have to daily surrender our agenda, our will, our plan, our dreams, our hopes, and our future before Him and trust that He is good and that He is for us.

     We must choose every day to surrender ourselves to the truth that His will is perfect, which far outweighs anything we could plan on our own. We must choose to surrender the dreams and desires that we have for our own lives and instead open up our hands to hold only what He places in them.

    So, tune in today to hear my story and allow it to relate to yours. Pull up a chair and grab your favorite drink…let’s just sit and talk for awhile. I pray that after today’s episode we are all a bit more prepared to say “It is Well” on our healing journey, no matter what pain comes our way. 

    Thank you for joining in on the journey. I can’t wait to chat with you again soon!

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    35 分
  • Healing Well Pt.1

    Hi friends! 

    On today’s episode I will share my personal story of infertility and my journey of healing. I believe that God is bringing me through this struggle so that I might reflect on it and share it for His glory; I pray that these words do just that. If you are yearning for something in life, a baby or something else, this episode is for you. The way that we heal from the loss and hardship of life shows a lot about who we are and the God we believe in.

    Jesus is the only one who could ever truly hold my hope in the way that my fragile humanity required. Everything else in life is fleeting; life itself is fleeting. Everything in this world passes away. Nothing but Jesus can be our hope because He is the only thing that is constant and eternal. 

    So, tune in today to hear my story and allow it to relate to yours. Pull up a chair and grab your favorite drink…let’s just sit and talk for awhile. I pray that after today’s episode we are all a bit more prepared to say “It is Well” on our healing journey, no matter what pain comes our way. 

    Thank you for joining in on the journey. I can’t wait to chat with you again soon!

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    28 分
  • Straining Well w/Rachael Wade

    Hi friends! 

    On today’s episode I will interview my friend in ministry Rachael Wade. Today we will talk through the importance of straining well in the face of life’s difficulties. Rachael shares very candidly about the strain and tension of being human. She shares openly about the struggles she has recently faced throughout COVID-19 as well as the racial tension that exists in our country. She speaks with such grace and wisdom about the steps that we can all take to be reconciled to one another and hold space for the hard conversations.

    Philippians 3:12-14 “Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”  

    So, tune in today to hear from the Jesus loving woman about what it looks like to strain well in the midst of great trials, conflicting emotions, and surmounting tension. I am honored to share this conversation with you and pray that you feel challenged and encouraged. I pray that after today’s conversation we are all a bit more prepared to truly say “It is Well” no matter what comes our way. 

    Thank you for joining in on the journey. I can’t wait to chat with you again soon!

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    54 分
  • Mental Health + Wellness w/PJ Yarbrough

    Hi friends! 

    On today’s episode I will interview my friend in ministry PJ Yarbrough. Today we will talk through the importance of mental health as a key to unlocking our potential and the life that God intends for us to live. We must acknowledge that what we allow to take root and manifest itself in our minds is crucial to our overall health. We will chat about everything from the assistance of a medical team to everyday life strategies towards greater mental health. So, tune in today to hear PJ's personal journey to mental health and wellness and its impact in her life. I pray that after today’s conversation we are all a bit more prepared to truly say “It is Well” no matter what comes our way. 

    Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing, and perfect will.”

    Thank you for joining in on the journey. I can’t wait to chat with you again soon!

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    53 分