It's #JLMay once again! This time around, podcasts from all over the 'sphere have gotten together to cover 2007-8's The Brave and The Bold #15, featuring two characters that Maggie and Jon have never covered before and only know all that much about one of them. So, in true Brave and the Bold style. #JLMay2023 #JLMay Follow the Event with all of these great podcasts Overlooked Dark Knight Dial F for Flanger The Bat-Pod L.E.G.I.O.N.P.O.D.cast The Legion Project Teal Productions Wright On Network Justice Trek Popculture Affidavit It All Comes Back to Superman Long Box Crusade Resurrections An Adam Warlock & Thanos Podcast Married With Comics Superman in Crisis The Lanterncast Podcast of OA JLI Bwa-Ha-Ha Podcast Rolled Spine Weird Warriors Magazines & Monsters Once Upon A Geek Head Speaks Coffee & Comics Aquaman & Firestorm: The Fire & Water Podcast Waiting For Doom