In this series finale of Bhakti Republic, host Amit Basole explores the vibrant tradition of Krishna Bhakti with historian Varuni Bhatia. Krishna Bhakti, known for its focus on Krishna’s playful and youthful persona, has long been a cornerstone of devotion in regions like Brindavan, where his divine pastimes with Radha are revered.
The episode explores the unique aspects of this devotional movement, including its emphasis on prema rasa—the essence of pure love that drives followers to renounce worldly attachments. Varuni traces how Chaitanya, a 15th-century mystic, transformed Brindavan into a spiritual realm and how Krishna Bhakti spread across India, attracting devotees from all social backgrounds.
Through stories of poet-saints like Meerabai and Surdas, alongside lesser-known figures such as Ras Khan and Taj Begum, Amit and Varuni reveal the inclusive and democratic nature of Krishna Bhakti. With devotion transcending societal boundaries, this episode invites listeners to experience the deeply personal and spiritual relationship that has sustained Krishna’s followers for centuries, rooted in love, surrender, and timeless reverence.
Akshay Ramuhalli, Bijoy Venugopal, Bruce Lee Mani, Gorveck Thokchom, Narayan Krishnaswamy, Prashant Vasudevan, Sananda Dasgupta, Seema Seth, Shraddha Gautam, Supriya Joshi, and Velu Shankar.
Visit our website for more information, acknowledgements, and additional resources: https://azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/bhakti-republic-with-amit-basole/on-the-banks-of-the-yamuna-the-saga-of-krishna-bhakti