
  • A Biblical Perspective of America's Future

    In this episode, we delve into a critical and timely conversation about the future of the United States. We reflect on the current condition of our nation and explore what God might have in store for our country based on what the Bible says. In these uncertain times, we need to remember that no earthly nation, not even the United States, is meant to last forever.

    We establish that America is not the everlasting kingdom prophesied in the Old Testament Scriptures. Instead, this timeless kingdom, often called the church, is the one that Jesus promised to build, the one which will never fall. It carries many different names in scriptures but ultimately refers to the same body of saved people through Christ.

    We also consider the potential consequences if America continues on a path of rebellion against God, reiterating the warning from Psalm 9:17 that nations forgetting God are destined for destruction. Notwithstanding these harsh realities, we remember that God's providence has the power to set up and remove rulers, accomplishing His divine will even through these tumultuous periods.

    By the end of this episode, we hope you would have broadened your perspective on viewing our nation through the lens of eternity and recognized the importance of prioritizing spiritual salvation above all. We challenge each listener to stay faithful, study the Bible and strive to truly be part of God's holy nation - the one and only kingdom meant to last forever.

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  • Did Jesus Approve of Homosexuality?

    In today's world, certain denominational churches are endorsing homosexuality, even going as far as having openly gay clergy members. Some argue that Jesus never condemned homosexuality, but is this true?

    From Matthew 15:19, we discuss the Greek term "pornea," which encompasses a variety of sexual sins, including homosexuality, proving that Jesus did indeed condemn homosexuality along with the other sins listed. We examine the teachings of Jesus about marriage, which from the beginning was for one man and one woman, with God creating Adam and Eve. It's further emphasized that during His time on earth, Jesus followed the Law of Moses, which called homosexuality an abomination. The episode further refutes any suggestions that Jesus might have considered sodomy pleasing to God, stating it has been condemned in every dispensation. Continuing on, the episode highlights Scriptures in the New Testament Law of Christ like Romans 1:24-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 1 Timothy 1:10, and Jude 7 that explicitly condemn homosexuality. It emphasizes that all Scripture, regardless of the text color, is inspired by God, including those that condemn homosexuality in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 14:37). This episode closes with reminders that despite their sins, Jesus loved all men, including homosexuals, enough to die for them. However, salvation is only for those who repent and obey Him, underlining the need for repentance and correction in true love, and encouraging listeners to transform their minds with the Word of God rather than conforming with the world's misinterpreted "love and tolerance."

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    14 分
  • Defining Men, Women, and Christians

    In this thought-provoking episode, we discuss the definitions of men, women, and Christians. The speaker emphasizes that though societal norms may change, God's definition remains constant. It not only defines the inherent characteristics of a man or a woman but also lays out a clear pathway on what being a Christian entails. Despite societal shifts, our reliance on God's definition of a man, woman, and Christian can ground us with clarity and awareness.

    Many political conservatives are liberal when it comes to religion, and they do not realize it. They may be quick to defend the traditional definition of manhood and womanhood. However, the same vigor is often seen missing when it comes to defining a Christian. Objective facts from God should be used to define such, but subjectivism is often allowed by many when defining who is truly a faithful Christian. The societal fear of questioning another’s faith often silences these discussions. Through various Biblical references, it is highlighted that mere self-proclamation does not create a true identity – aligning ourselves and our definitions with God's Word is the key.

    The objective of this episode is not to divide, but to inspire discourse, urging us to revisit what the Bible truly says about becoming a Christian. The focal point is acknowledging that reality is defined by God, and His definitions will hold paramount importance on the day of judgment. The speaker also underlines the importance of studying the Bible earnestly and wholeheartedly, making a plea for understanding and obeying the path to salvation as laid down in the Scriptures.

    In a nutshell, this episode serves as a guide for those seeking spiritual clarity and truth, and encourages the study and comprehension of God's Word in its complete context rather than fragmented interpretations.

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  • Blessings in Christ

    In this spiritually uplifting episode, we emphasize the joy, peace, and abundant blessings available to those who live faithfully by God's Word. Christians are encouraged to rejoice in their faithfulness and dedication to their spiritual journey, knowing the numerous spiritual blessings and privileges they possess, such as prayer, forgiveness, and strength which are unavailable to most in the world.

    Listeners are reminded of the importance of being in Christ to have access to these substantial spiritual blessings. The episode provides a comprehensive rundown on the range of blessings including seeking forgiveness, praying for strength, wisdom, and opportunities to spread God's Word, as well as addressing daily necessities and any bothering issues.

    The episode reiterates the joy, peace, and contentment in Christ, emphasizing the fellowship Christians share as part of God's family, highlighting the value of brotherhood among Christians across the globe. This global fellowship serves as a great solace during hardships and trials, ensuring members feel loved and supported.

    Lastly, the episode gives listeners a glimpse of the hope and bliss of eternal life, urging them to enter into a right relationship with God. It concludes with an invitation for the listeners to experience the joyous blessings in Christ both now and eternally, reminding them of Christ's sacrifice to reconcile humanity with God. Ultimately, this episode is a reminder of the immeasurable joys and peace found through a committed and faithful life in Christ.

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    15 分
  • 10 Ways to Resist Temptation

    In our Christian journey, our attempt to emulate Christ in all we do is essential. First Peter 2:21 tells us to follow in His sinless footsteps as closely as possible. Romans 3:23 acknowledges that all humans are guilty of sin, and Romans 6.23 adds that the wages of sin is death. In this episode, we discuss the significance of our Christian identity and how we can strive for a sin-free existence. Here, we give you ten Bible-based strategies to resist temptations and live a life aligned with God's Word.

    The first strategy highlights the importance of God's Word. This serves as a roadmap that defines right from wrong. Our knowledge of the Word, therefore, equips us to combat sins of all types.

    The second tip comes from 1 Corinthians 10:13 which assures Christians that God will always provide a way out of temptation. Remembering that it is not wrong to be tempted but wrong to give in is the third strategy. The fourth strategy is readiness. This requires us to plan ahead and prepare for situations that may present temptations. Our fifth strategy advises us to request guidance in prayer.

    The company we keep has profound influences on us. The sixth strategy emphasizes the power of positive relationships while the seventh asks us to think about the price of our redemption – the suffering Jesus endured for our salvation. Our eighth tip requires us to acknowledge that we are the source of our sins and it is our responsibility to avoid them.

    Our final two strategies ask you to focus on the consequences and rewards. Remembering the horrendous consequences of sin and the eternal bliss that awaits the righteous can motivate us to resist temptation.

    Remember, resisting temptation is a continual process that requires conscious choices daily. We hope these strategies embolden you in your journey to overcome temptations and honor God through your actions. Join us in the next episode for more enlightening Bible lessons.

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  • A Quiz on The Gospel of Matthew

    In this episode, we dive deep into the book of Matthew, one of the most widely read books in the Bible. Challenge your biblical knowledge with a series of questions about the Gospel according to Matthew. Explore intriguing questions about Jesus' earthly ancestors, His temptation in the wilderness, His miracles, and more.

    This interactive episode takes a unique approach to biblical study, presenting you with several questions about the book of Matthew. You're welcome to answer these questions from memory, or you can open your Bible and scour its pages for the answers. You can even take notes, if you prefer. The goal of this episode is not just to quiz your knowledge, but also to encourage you to explore the book of Matthew in a fresh and exciting way.

    Discover in which chapter of Matthew Jesus was crucified, how many wise men came to see Jesus, what the name "Emmanuel" means and much more. This episode is filled with interesting questions that will give you deeper insights into Matthew's account of Jesus' life. The objective is not just to quiz you, but to stimulate an overall understanding of the gospel according to Matthew.

    The quiz concludes by linking the lessons learned from the book of Matthew to the broader teachings of Jesus and the Christian faith. So are you saved? Are you on your journey to Heaven? If you need help on this journey, you are welcome to reach out for assistance. This episode aims to promote not just knowledge but also faith, love, and hope. Listen in for an engaging Bible lesson that helps you understand the teachings of Matthew and the application to your life.

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  • Cold Hard Facts for Warm Tender Hearts

    In this enlightening discussion, we explore 31 teachings from the Bible, serving them as cold hard facts for your warm tender hearts. Presented simply and clearly, without deep interpretation, these teachings may be controversial for some, but are undeniably located in the sacred Scriptures. We encourage you to verify these claims by checking the Bible references provided for each point.

    We begin our journey with a powerful statement from Proverbs 6, clarifying God's disdain for injustices such as abortion. Delving deeper into the innocence of children, we invoke specific verses from the books of Second Samuel, Ezekiel, and Matthew. Then, we examine the priority God must be given over familial relationships, quoting Jesus' words from Matthew 10 other verses exemplifying God's love for all, his views on marriage, divorce, and the essential duality of his nature as love and a consuming fire are expressed.

    In this discourse, we do not shy away from potent yet sensitive topics such as the status of homosexuals in the eyes of God, the importance of abiding by civil and religious laws, the requirement for couples to marry and divorce within the doctrines of the Bible, the existence of hell, and accountability for our choices. The limitations placed upon women in religious contexts are discussed alongside God's expectations for a wife's submission and a husband's love.

    Emphasizing the seriousness of salvation and its many aspects, we refer to verses from the books of Galatians, Hebrews, First Peter, and Revelation. We expose the fragility of salvation, illustrating how it can be lost when one falls from grace. We also shed light on the importance of obeying civil government and maintaining adherence to sound doctrine for securing salvation.

    Finally, we delve into the controversial topic of baptism, including its requirement of full immersion, its inappropriateness for infants, and its essentiality affirmed by Jesus, Paul, and Peter. We culminate this lesson with an emphatic statement that no single entity or concept alone can grant salvation—it is a complex, multifaceted event driven by the benevolence of God, the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, and the proper response from man.

    We hope you take these teachings to heart and join us for more engaging discussions around the Word of God in future episodes.

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