John is the founder and CEO of Social Group, one of the fastest growing and more forward thinking PR agencies in the UK today. I knew John when he started this business on money from credit card mis-selling and was networking the computers himself on the weekend.
Today, just eight years later, Social has grown to around 50 people across multiple locations in the UK with a reputation for great work and even better employee engagement. John and Social are living proof that business and leadership can embrace a people-centric approach and be profitable.
Please be aware the audio is not what it might be as John was struggling with poor broadband service from a well-known brand with a bright-red logo.
Our mission is to help people develop their mental fitness so they can achieve more than they thought themselves capable of.
Please join the conversation on Instagram @AntTaylor72 and @the_mental_fitness_podcast
Connect with me on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthonytaylor-mentalfitness/
Pop over to my website: www.threefifty9.com
The podcast music is “Where To Run” by Strength to Last. It’s created by the musical talent of Adrian Walther, a Canadian living in Nashville. Check out his music on Spotify and YouTube music.