
  • S1E26 Hello, Goobye - Part II
    Join us for the thrilling, super-sized conclusion of our tale! The party fights "valiantly" against their mortal enemies in a knock down, drag out battle that could end in victory, tragedy, or maybe a little bit of both!
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    1 時間 51 分
  • S1E25 Hello, Goodbye - Part I
    Join us for Part I of our epic SERIES FINALE! The adventurers find themselves abruptly attacked by the enemy they've (haphazardly) been working to defeat for what has felt like a year now! Will their overall lack of planning, preparedness, and overall ambition be their downfall?! Tune in and find out!
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    1 時間 9 分
  • S1E24 Clapping With One Hand
    The gang gets back to the relative safety of town and tracks down Inspector Arkham for assistance. Little did they know, he would be a shadow of his formerly glorious self! BONUS: Arbor Mist Video can be found at https://vimeo.com/17310572
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    1 時間
  • S1E23 I, Warlock
    After Lia chooses to stick herself with the needle that immobilized Waylan and Wanderer so the party could escape, her astral form is sent to the Feywild where she deals with the potential consequences of her actions up to this point! As an added bonus, you get to hear Brian's Mickey Mouse voice (a real treat in the editing room, that was)!
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    1 時間 17 分
  • S1E22 Liar, Liar, Heart's On Fire
    The gang figures out there's something strange with their new-found ally, Gertrude. Do cooler heads prevail, or does the team mess things up in their typical fashion? Tune in and find out!
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    51 分
  • S1E21 Awaken, Dreamer
    Following the lore bomb that occurred with Gertrude the Destroyer, we take a curious peek into the life and history of one Max Horsepower, the party's most enigmatic member. Who made him?! Why is he the way he is?! Does the carpet match the drapes?! Tune in and find out!
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    58 分
  • S1E20 Stories for a Rainy Day
    The gang ends up taking cookies from someone they don't know and learns a thing or two about stranger danger as well as a thing or two about themselves in the process. Except for Waylan. Because he's an idiot. A beautiful, beautiful idiot.
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    56 分
  • S1E19 Interlude In A Meadow
    As the gang approaches Gertrude's abode, they encounter a massive bear with magical markings, a hungry belly, and a thirst for volleyball. How will they tackle this overwhelming obstacle?!
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    1 時間 11 分