In this episode, Cody and Heather discuss Club Karma, and everything that went with it! Here's a hint, it was awesome! We also discuss the not fun part of ENM in the Bible Belt, and all the not fun parts that go with that. Here's a hint, it's not awesome...(insert sad face here). Be sure to follow us and hit us up at all of the socials linked below! Also, it would be a HUGE help if you could rate and review us 5 stars! Cody is getting really tired of working in the oilfield and wants to be a podcaster/onlyfans model full time...
- http://tiktok.com/@rigidroosters The Rigid Roosters TikTok!
- http://instagram.com/rigidroosters?igshid=NmNmNjAwNzg= The Rigid Roosters Instagram!
- rigidroosterspod@gmail.com The Rigid Roosters Email
- http://tiktok.com/@macdaddy518 Cody's TikTok
- http://instagram.com/mac_daddy518?igshid=NmNmNjAwNzg= Cody's Instagram
- http://tiktok.com/@sprklefingers Heather's TikTok!