• God’s Open Door To Sharing Our Gifts 
    Scripture tells us each believer has spiritual gifts to serve the Kingdom of God.  I sometimes hear from those who want to know how I started my ministry.  Today on Keep Hope Alive:  I share the path of my music ministry and what Christ has shown me. Hint: Less of me means great things God can do!  He has those great things for you!   
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  • “I Surrender All” again and again…
    Taking a real look at deep and true surrender.   As Christians we all have a desire and passion to surrender our lives to God.  We can truly mean this and pray this but life can really trip us up as we are letting go and letting God.  Today I share what God has spoken into my life about surrender. Why I’ve had so many trip ups and what will make this commitment to God lasting and permanent.  A deep and true surrender starts with a deep and true belief and knowledge that God is good and has our back. 
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  • Mental Health Crisis: God Has the Answers For Us All

    “As a man thinks, so he is”  Proverbs 23:7  “Whatever is true, lovely, excellent, praiseworthy… think on these things” Philippians 4:8, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7.   I could write for hours all the scripture that addresses our mental health.  God cares about our mental health, our hearts, our minds. He is our loving Father and Creator and He cares for His children.  No one heals or gives peace like Jesus Christ. I know this personally. The world’s answers aren’t working. Those who want to remove God from our society are seeing the very tragic results that ultimately affect us all.  We need restoration in this country.  A new day with real hope, peace and love.  We want true answers and a world that we can give our children that provides them with a safe place to grow. Jesus Christ loves all, died for all. He wants no one to perish but to live abundantly. Today we will look at this crisis and the beautiful ways of Christ who is the unfailing provider of lasting mental health. 

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  • A Real Look at Grief and Loss

    “For there is no clock on a heart that’s been shattered. Saying it’s time to be put back together. And when the days make the loss grow deeper and you wonder, do others remember? Yes God knows that your heart still breaks and He knows of your secret pain. When whispers say it’s time to move on, His understanding has just begun.” Jesus Christ is called “The Man of Sorrows” for all He endured on this earth. He is our greatest counselor, confidant, comforter and friend when we are mourning and grieving loss in our life. Whether that be a beloved person or a dream that has died.  Today we look at grief and loss and the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

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  • Rock Solid Confidence

    When thinking of confidence, I picture Julie Andrews singing, boldly swinging her bag in “The Sound of Music” until she sees her “mountain” up close, all that confidence she mustered kind of gets shaky. Isn’t that how life is? Today on Keep Hope Alive: Confidence. I share my own hills and valleys of confidence and how landing on the Solid Rock and putting my trust in Him gave me the confidence I never had. No matter our beginnings or current situation, we can get up again and stand strong in confidence in the One who never fails: Jesus Christ.

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  • Moving the Stumbling Blocks and Stepping Out

    We are told in 1 Peter 5:8 that your adversary (not the adversary) the devil is like a roaring lion, sneaking around looking to attack. Yes, we have our own personal enemy looking to strip away our power, discourage us, disable us, to try and make us ineffective and afraid to use our gifts that glorify God and bless others by sharing the gospel. Today we look at some lies that can be stumbling blocks to fully sharing all God has given us. And Jesus’ wonderful promises of how He equips us with everything we need. 

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  • Don’t You Know Who You Are Child of God

    Looking at ourselves through the perceived eyes of society can lead us to ruin. And those eyes today can seem crueler and harsher than ever. Today on Keep Hope Alive: Our identity in Christ. Looking at ourselves through the eyes of our loving God.

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  • More of You God, Less of Me

    Some of the best selling self help titles of the day are:  “How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness”  and “You Are a Bada**.”  We have a society full of people thumping their chest, yet it seems we see more dysfunction and depression than ever.  Today on “Keep Hope Alive” we look at the true way to a life of purpose and fulfillment.  It really goes completely opposite to these titles.  “More of You God and less of me, for power, peace and victory. Not me who lives but Christ in me.”  If you are feeling in need, there is One who provides it all. Today on Keep Hope Alive. 

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