Since 1971, when Intel first introduced the microprocessor chip, US productivity has more than doubled. That could have resulted in all of us having twice as much time for fun. Instead, during that same period, our leisure time has decreased by almost 40% while average wages have barely kept pace with inflation. Is it any wonder adults report feeling much more stressed than they did a decade or two ago? Ready to recapture your zest for living? My guest, JD Messinger, and I will discuss how we help individuals and teams get unstuck and reclaim their power to build lives and organizations they love. During this episode, we’ll share the keys to increasing productivity and joy by decreasing stress and effort--personally and professionally. Learn how you too can escape the hamster wheel approach to life, turn unexplored possibilities into fulfilling realities and step into your greatness. Make 2014 your year to shine! For more information about JD's work in the world, visit jdmessinger.com