Is it possible to create balance when building a business? How do you execute on an idea? And, what are the ways that you use your strengths to propel yourself to the top? Lots of questions and curiosity with Kressa Peterson.
Kressa Peterson is the founder and CEO of shower toga, an item that allows anyone to strip down and clean up in public places without needing changing rooms. She landed a spot on Shark Tank on NBC in 2019 and her product won substantial praise, as she walked out of the Shark Tank a winner with a partner who believed in her, Mark Cuban. She is also an athlete, adventurer, cancer survivor, and mother.
On this episode Kressa and Dr. L dive into how to go from idea to real business. They explore all of the growing pains that come from starting your own business, how to delegate (or not), how to create balance (or not), and how to stay above the fray.