
  • Let There Be Light!

    This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm

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    37 分
  • God of the Promise

    This week, Pastor Chris discusses how God test faith, and why He would lead us to trials and circumstances we would rather not go through.

    Topics discussed:

    1. God is always working out His purposes in our lives.
    2. God's purposes is that we might be more like Jesus.
    3. We need to stop holding onto our version of the promises of God, and hold on to the God of the Promise.

    Links mentioned in this episode: https://l4ministries.org

    This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm

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    42 分
  • Truth=Freedom Men's Conference

    This week, Pastor Chris talks about the Truth=Freedom Men's Conference that is coming in January 2023.

    Topics discussed:

    1. The event is focusing on healthy sexuality for Christian men, and the freedom that is found in the Scriptures and in accountable relationships
    2. Event is a two-day conference on January 13th and 14th, 2023.
    3. Tickets are free with a recommended donation of $75 to cover the cost of resources.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    • https://l4ministries.org/classes-%26-events

    This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm

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    9 分
  • Consider it all Joy!

    This week, Pastor Chris talks about his recent diagnosis of early onset Parkison's disease, and how James 1:2-5 has come alive in his life in the midst of trying circumstances.

    Topics discussed: [Jas 1:2 NASB20] Consider it all joy, my brothers [and sisters,] when you encounter various trials, [Jas 1:3 NASB20] knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. [Jas 1:4 NASB20] And let endurance have [its] perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. [Jas 1:5 NASB20] But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    • https://l4ministries.org

    This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm

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    9 分
  • Your Heart - Guard Your Heart Part 2

    This week, Pastor Chris concludes the Your Heart series with Part 2 of "Guard Your Heart".

    Topics discussed:

    1. This message underscores the power that thoughts have in regards to future fruitfulness.
    2. The early Church had bound their hearts to Jesus in love and devotion to a singular purpose; to join in what the Father was doing.
    3. The tools given to us in Scripture are for living intentionally, living circumspectly, and living introspectively.
    Links mentioned in this episode: https://l4ministries.org/podcasts

    This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm

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    40 分
  • Your Heart - Guard Your Heart Part 1

    This week, Pastor Christopher begins to conclude his "Your Heart" series with part 1 of Guard Your Heart.

    Topics discussed:

    1. Big idea: if you can change what someone thinks, it affects their beliefs, their actions, and ultimately their lives.
    2. This message is about the importance of guarding who or what is planting ideas in the seat of your inward person, in your heart and mind.

    Links mentioned in this episode: https://l4ministries.org/partnership

    This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm

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    31 分
  • The Opposite of Addiction is Community

    This week, Pastor Chris explores the root causes of addiction.

    Topics discussed:

    1. Explore that the root cause of addiction is actually isolation.
    2. The community of faith and grace can be the community of healing for the addict.
    3. We were made for community

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    • https://l4ministries.org/blog/f/what-is-the-opposite-of-addiction-it-may-not-be-what-you-think

    This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm

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    26 分
  • Your Heart Series - Cultivate Your Heart

    This week, Pastor Chris talks about the spiritual fruitfulness that occurs in the life of a believer in Christ when they are realize that God is at work to make us more Christlike, and the believer joins in the effort.

    Topics discussed:

    1. God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are at work to cultivate a Christ-likeness in the life of the believer.
    2. Our role is to join God in His work.
    3. The very intent and scope of prayer that is pleasing to and answered by God is prayer focused on joining God in what He is doing. It is the life of prayer that brings about intimacy with Christ and the produce of spiritial fruits that result.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    • https://l4cast.zencast.website/episodes/your-heart-series-prepare-your-heart-part-1
    • https://l4cast.zencast.website/episodes/your-heart-series-prepare-your-heart-part-2
    • https://l4ministries.org

    This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm

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    55 分