
  • Ep. 1 - Introducing It & Myself
    In this intro episode, learn what this podcast is all about, what to expect from it, where the name Leadership Trailmix came from, and last but not least, who I am and why leadership is so important to me.
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  • Ep. 2 - Enoughness & Betterment
    On this "first" episode, let's take a closer look at the concept of enoughness in light of what Brene Brown shares with us in her book "Dare to Lead" about perfection and shame.
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  • Ep. 3 - Hunting & Why
    Taking the books "Start with Why" and "The Infinite Game" by Simon Sinek as a springboard, this episode looks at the power of purpose, and the fulfillment and inspiration it can bring to our everyday lives at work, and the inspirational impact it can have on our teams.
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  • Ep. 4 - Asking & Giving
    As a way to celebrate of Black History Month in the US, in this episode we will look at Verne Meyers’ definition of Diversity & Inclusion, add Equity and Belonging to the equation, and reflect on how asking and sharing can hep us lead in a more inclusive way.
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  • Ep. 5 - Engagement & Culture
    What is engagement? What does it have to do with organizational culture? How to build an engaged team? Join me on this reflection, where I put the trail mix on the table and look at the combination of ingredients proposed by Patrick Lencioni in his book “The Truth About Employee Engagement”.
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    9 分
  • Ep. 6 - Given or Earned?
    Is trust given or earned? In this sixth episode of Leadership Trailmix, let’s reflect on a third possibility by looking at the definition of trust proposed by Charles Feltman in his book “The Thin Book of Trust”, and exploring a few elements of BRAVING, the trust-building acronym found in Brené Brown's book ‘Dare to Lead’.
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  • Ep. 7 - Manage or Use
    Emotional intelligence: do we really know what it is? In this episode, let's take a look at what the book Optimal by Daniel Goleman (the one who coined the term) Cary Lenz teaches us about it and reflect on practical ways to manage and use our emotions to be more effective leaders.
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    13 分
  • Ep. 8 - Leading & Serving
    Join me in this short reflection on Servant Leadership as I double-click on one of the qualities of servant leaders that is often forgotten, but more and more needed.
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    8 分