Wait, leading? Isn't that BAD in coaching sessions? Yes, and no. Leading *without leading* is pretty much in our job descriptions as coaches. We'll discuss this, why it can be good OR bad, and offer our two-point failsafe method to "lead without leading" that we use in our sessions.
SHOW FLOW and LINKS (some may be affiliate links)
What do we mean by "leading"?
What do we mean by "leading without leading?"
What Dave prefers to call this
Discussion of why this is good - and bad - and how to do it using Dave's patented "lead without leading" method
Sandy shares what ICF PCC markers speak to this topic
The three things Sandy hears in session reviews from new coaches
How to practice this skill
The ICF PCC (Professional Certified Coach) Markers can be found here:
November 2020 ICF PCC Markers
Find Dave at coachdshen.com
Find Sandy at swansoncoaching.com
Visit The Sandy and Dave Show website
Intro and outro music by JuliusH. Thanks Julius!