Learn Portuguese By Podcast

著者: Irineu De Oliveira Jnr
  • サマリー

  • Learn or improve your Portuguese vocabulary by listening to conversations recorded in podcast style. The conversations will help you to improve your vocabulary skills in the Portuguese language. If you are experiencing difficulty in expressing yourself in this beautiful language, then Portuguese vocabulary by podcast is definitely what you are looking for!
    My Portuguese vocabulary by podcast series will allow you understand and speak Brazilian Portuguese with confidence.
    Get this simple, practical method and start learning today!

    GET THE AUDIO AND SCRIPTS to better understand the conversations. BY VISITING
    Conversation topics are related to a range of different topics with aim to expand your vocabulary in the most natural way.
    Beginner to intermediate levels.
    Master the vocabulary and expressions that will enable you to speak Brazilian Portuguese like a native.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/learn-portuguese-by-podcast--4063292/support.
    Copyright Irineu De Oliveira Jnr
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  • Episódio #074- Clydebank - O centro histórico da indústria de construção naval escocesa
    Link para uma outra versão em video: https://youtu.be/tBweFKaCedI

    Português - Este episódio nos leva a Clydebank, um marco histórico da indústria naval escocesa. Situada às margens do Rio Clyde, perto de Glasgow, Clydebank transformou-se de uma vila do século XIX em um gigante da construção naval, lançando ao mar desde transatlânticos até navios de guerra.

    Espanhol: Este episodio nos lleva a Clydebank, un hito histórico de la industria naval escocesa. Situada a orillas del río Clyde, cerca de Glasgow, Clydebank se transformó de un pueblo del siglo XIX en un gigante de la construcción naval, lanzando al mar desde transatlánticos hasta buques de guerra.

    Francês: Cet épisode nous emmène à Clydebank, un jalon historique de l'industrie navale écossaise. Située sur les rives du fleuve Clyde, près de Glasgow, Clydebank s'est transformée d'un village du XIXe siècle en un géant de la construction navale, mettant à la mer tout, des transatlantiques aux navires de guerre.

    Mandarim: 这一集带我们来到克莱德班克,苏格兰造船工业的历史里程碑。位于格拉斯哥附近的克莱德河畔,克莱德班克从19世纪的一个小村庄转变成了造船业的巨头,从远洋客轮到战舰,都在这里下水。

    Alemão: Diese Folge führt uns nach Clydebank, einem historischen Meilenstein der schottischen Schiffbauindustrie. Am Ufer des Clyde, nahe Glasgow gelegen, verwandelte sich Clydebank von einem Dorf des 19. Jahrhunderts in einen Giganten des Schiffbaus, der alles vom Transatlantikliner bis zum Kriegsschiff zu Wasser ließ.

    Inglês: This episode takes us to Clydebank, a historical landmark of the Scottish shipbuilding industry. Situated on the banks of the Clyde River, near Glasgow, Clydebank transformed from a 19th-century village into a shipbuilding giant, launching everything from ocean liners to warships into the sea.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/learn-portuguese-by-podcast--4063292/support.
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  • Episódio #073 - Música do Irineu - Casinha azul
    Link da letra no Youtube -


    Casinha Azul: Sonhos em Cores

    Português Neste episódio, exploramos a emocionante história da música Casinha Azul, que fala sobre um sonho persistente de pintar uma casa na cor favorita desde a infância. Acompanhamos as aventuras e desafios do protagonista, desde a recusa dos pais até encontrar apoio na vida adulta, simbolizando a persistência e a realização dos sonhos.

    Inglês: Blue Little House: Dreams in Colors In this episode, we delve into the heartfelt story of the song Blue Little House, which narrates a lifelong dream to paint a house in a favorite color. We follow the protagonist's journey and challenges, from parental disapproval to finding support in adulthood, symbolizing perseverance and dream fulfillment.

    Espanhol: Casita Azul: Sueños en Colores En este episodio, exploramos la emotiva historia de la canción Casita Azul, que cuenta el sueño persistente de pintar una casa en el color favorito desde la infancia. Seguimos las aventuras y desafíos del protagonista, desde la negativa de los padres hasta encontrar apoyo en la edad adulta, simbolizando la persistencia y la realización de sueños.

    Mandarim: 蓝色小屋:彩色梦想 在这一集中,我们深入探讨了歌曲蓝色小屋的感人故事,讲述了一个从童年开始就想把房子漆成最喜欢的颜色的持久梦想。我们跟随主角的旅程和挑战,从父母的反对到成年后找到支持,象征着坚持和梦想的实现。

    Hindi: नीला छोटा घर: रंगों में सपने इस एपिसोड में, हम नीला छोटा घर गीत की भावपूर्ण कहानी में गहराई से जाते हैं, जो बचपन से ही घर को पसंदीदा रंग में रंगने के एक दीर्घकालिक सपने को बयां करता है। हम प्रोटागोनिस्ट के सफर और चुनौतियों का अनुसरण करते हैं, माता-पिता की अस्वीकृति से लेकर वयस्कता में समर्थन पाने तक, जो दृढ़ता और सपनों की पूर्ति का प्रतीक है।

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/learn-portuguese-by-podcast--4063292/support.
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  • Episódio #072 – O império português

    Português: "Explore os rios e ilhas do Império Português neste episódio. Mergulhamos na história e geografia de locais-chave como os rios Tejo e Zambeze, e ilhas como a Madeira e os Açores. Aprenda sobre a sua importância durante a era do Império Português."

    Francês: "Explorez les fleuves et les îles de l'Empire Portugais dans cet épisode. Nous plongeons dans l'histoire et la géographie de lieux clés tels que les fleuves Tage et Zambèze, et des îles telles que Madère et les Açores. Apprenez leur importance pendant l'ère de l'Empire Portugais."

    Inglês: "Explore the rivers and islands of the Portuguese Empire in this episode. We delve into the history and geography of key locations like the Tagus and Zambezi rivers, and islands such as Madeira and the Azores. Learn about their significance during the era of the Portuguese Empire."

    Mandarim: "在这一集中,探索葡萄牙帝国的河流和岛屿。我们深入了解塔古斯河和赞比西河等重要地点的历史和地理,以及马德拉岛和亚速尔群岛等岛屿。了解它们在葡萄牙帝国时期的重要性。"

    Hindi: "इस एपिसोड में, पुर्तगाली साम्राज्य की नदियों और द्वीपों का अन्वेषण करें। हम टैगस और ज़म्बेजी नदियों जैसे प्रमुख स्थानों और मदीरा तथा एज़ोर्स जैसे द्वीपों के इतिहास और भूगोल में गहराई से जाते हैं। पुर्तगाली साम्राज्य के युग में उनके महत्व के बारे में जानें।"

    Espanhol: "Explora los ríos y las islas del Imperio Portugués en este episodio. Profundizamos en la historia y geografía de lugares clave como los ríos Tajo y Zambeze, y islas como Madeira y las Azores. Aprende sobre su significado durante la era del Imperio Portugués."

    Árabe: "استكشف أنهار وجزر الإمبراطورية البرتغالية في هذه الحلقة. نغوص في التاريخ والجغرافيا لأماكن رئيسية مثل نهري تاغوس وزامبيزي، وجزر مثل ماديرا والأزور. تعلم عن أهميتها خلال عصر الإمبراطورية البرتغالية."

    Bengali: "এই পর্বে পর্তুগিজ সাম্রাজ্যের নদী ও দ্বীপগুলির অন্বেষণ করুন। আমরা তেজো এবং জাম্বেজি নদীগুলির মতো প্রধান স্থানগুলির ইতিহাস ও ভূগোলের গভীরে যাই, এবং মাদেইরা ও আজোরেস দ্বীপের মতো দ্বীপগুলির কথা জানানো হয়। পর্তুগিজ সাম্রাজ্যের যুগে তাদের গুরুত্ব সম্পর্কে জ

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/learn-portuguese-by-podcast--4063292/support.
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    8 分


Learn or improve your Portuguese vocabulary by listening to conversations recorded in podcast style. The conversations will help you to improve your vocabulary skills in the Portuguese language. If you are experiencing difficulty in expressing yourself in this beautiful language, then Portuguese vocabulary by podcast is definitely what you are looking for!
My Portuguese vocabulary by podcast series will allow you understand and speak Brazilian Portuguese with confidence.
Get this simple, practical method and start learning today!

GET THE AUDIO AND SCRIPTS to better understand the conversations. BY VISITING
Conversation topics are related to a range of different topics with aim to expand your vocabulary in the most natural way.
Beginner to intermediate levels.
Master the vocabulary and expressions that will enable you to speak Brazilian Portuguese like a native.

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/learn-portuguese-by-podcast--4063292/support.
Copyright Irineu De Oliveira Jnr

Learn Portuguese By Podcastに寄せられたリスナーの声
