EP 57 - This is the final episode before Scott and Dominica head out to London. It is a short show covering an overview of the trip including our UK itinerary.
Music in this episode from:
Aaron – Last Goodbye Ken Campbell – Lady OFor more options, including Ogg Vorbis, check out the Internet Archive’s page for the show. For a limited time you can also get the show from our Podomatic page.
Starting with this episode we are going to start scaling back the audio file options to make the show a bit more reasonable to manage. As the MP3 format of the show is drastically more popular than the OV format we are going to limit the show to just the 128Kb/s MP3 version. The Internet Archive automatically creates lower bitrate MP3 and Ogg Vorbis versions of the show so we are just going to leverage that functionality. Check the IA page for the show for extended show options.
16 November 2007