This one is ON FIRE about stuff that is like, taboo! it’s intimacy in our marriages! We’ve chatted about this before on the podcast. But the chat came up again today as we were chatting about Ephesians 5:22 being submissive as a wife per God’s word. The verse mentions wives submitting to their husband and it’s not what society really makes it out to be. It doesn’t mean that you’re weak. You can be a strong willed, loving, God fearing woman and mother and still be submissive in your marriage. Which is what God calls us to do. However~ we both talk about how this is a struggle for us. For us it’s a mental thing, but we feel like it’s not for men. Stephanie talks about how she feels it’s a physical thing for men but not as much for women (at least not me) and Leslie talks about how she’s had some hard conversations in their marriage about sex and intimacy. Don’t worry guys! We still have fun with the episode and throw in our corks and laughs into the mix while we chat today. We hope you continue to enjoy our talks about life, love, faith, and marriage. Thank you for listening.
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FB: https://www.facebook.com/herostartswithherblog/ (Hero starts with Her with Leslie)
Leslie's website: www.herostartswithher.org
Stephanie’s Social Media: IG: https://instagram.com/mrs_smz_?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
FB: https://www.facebook.com/momma.FGF/ (Live a faithful balanced Life with Stephanie)
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