
  • Life: Empty Nest Revisited - 1 year later

    Last year I did an episode on being an empty nester for the first time.

    In this episode I'll comment on what's changed in the last 12 months and how we're feeling as we continue to navigate this new phase of life.

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    13 分
  • Life: Laid Off After 50 part 3 - LinkedIn and Resume

    In this last of our miniseries on job seeking after 50 we talk about the two primary tools you'll need to get back into the job market: LinkedIn and your resume.

    Both need to be kept up to date more often as you cross over the 50 mark. At least twice a year reviews and updates are a good practice to maintain. That way, should the unexpected happen and you get laid off, your collateral is pretty squared away to begin your job hunt.

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    19 分
  • Life: Laid Off After 50 part 2 - Ageism

    Ageism is a real thing and it's a challenge for older job seekers. 

    If you are in the job market by choice or you were laid off you need to be mindful of the conscious or unconscious effect of ageism on your job search. 

    There is nothing you can do to completely hide your age, nor should you need to, however, there are a few techniques you can do to mask it so that you get interview opportunities and have the chance to sell your experience, skill set and value to the person on the other end before your age becomes a consideration.

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    19 分
  • Life: Laid Off After 50 part 1 - What Now?

    So you just got laid off unexpectedly and now what? Shock. Anger. Sadness. Uncertainty. 

    This first of a 3 part mini-series addresses what to do next from an emotional as well as tactical  standpoint.

    Get over the emotion at least to the point where you can think semi-rationally. Assess what you really want in a next position as well as your plans for retirement. Getting a grip on what's possible related to your current situation and what dreams you might have are key to moving forward with pursuing your next role.

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    19 分
  • Perspective: Managing Change

    After the age of 50 change comes at us from all sides.  Career changes, health changes, transitions our kids are going through, the loss of parents,  friends and neighbors encounter issues or pass away.  

    All these things are happening at once while we're in this stage of life and dealing with all of it every day is, in itself, a huge challenge.

    Enjoying the calm days is key to managing this turbulent period in our lives.  Find some space to take care of yourself. Find support and know you're not alone. 

    We've been managing change for our whole lives. We just either didn't realize it or we don't think of it that way. You've done it all along.  It's tougher now but you can handle it.

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    15 分
  • Activities : Reconnecting With Your Spouse

    So it's been awhile since you've truly had a lot of dedicated quality time to yourself.  Your empty nest is getting a little boring and you're not sure how to deal.

    Here's a thought... reconnect with your spouse or partner!  Years of raising a family pulled your collective attention away from each other and now is the time to rediscover your partner and reconnect with each other.

    You have the time but you're not getting any younger.  Don't waste the opportunity.

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    14 分
  • HealthFit: Tequila Is Healthy?

    So, you want to change your diet habits and you took a look at your alcohol intake.  Good idea. 

    Tequila has less calories than other liquors and the agave (must be 100% agave) doesn't cause that middle of the night sugar spike that you love so much when it jolts you awake at 330am. 

    It also has less congeners.  Huh? These little buggers are a byproduct of fermentation and have been identified as the primary source of hangovers thru scientific research.  All alcoholic products produce these but tequila has less... a lot less.

    So if you want to switch up your drink game to something "healthier", high end tequila is definitely worth a look. Start in the $30/bottle + range.  

    I've tried it.  I'm sold.  

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    16 分
  • Life: Setting Boundaries At Work

    Setting boundaries at work is essential for maintaining career, family and mental health.  

    We often times get trapped, or trap ourselves by trying to be a hero at work and not accurately judging the value of our extra effort against the negative impact of it on our lives with respect to time and stress.

    We, as leaders and experienced professionals, need to set appropriate boundaries for ourselves and coach the younger generation of employees about the importance of setting and executing on boundaries.

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