Hey guys!! Thank you for joining us for another episode where we’re just chatting about life as a homeschool mom. We both homeschool at least one of our kiddos. Leslie homeschools Knox, who is 10. And Stephanie homeschools Laina, who is 8 and Olivia whose 3. Our oldest arent homeschool so we get to enjoy the best of both worlds, kinda. We share tips and tricks about how we get through the days and weeks. The books and supplies we use as curriculum. Stephanie talks about how she uses a lot of sheets that are printed off, until recently she purchased a specific book for Math and Language Arts. Leslie shares about her and Knox do projects and how she has him write his spelling words a few times throughout the week. And the cool thing she purchased to help him with cursive. We both talk about how freeing and how flexible it is. The links we chatted about are listed below. We hope you enjoy our talks about life as we continue to dive in and share more of our lives with you guys. Links from the show:
Masterbooks curriculum Stephanie mentioned: https://www.christianbook.com/page/homeschool/master-books/language-lessons-for-a-living-education PaperPie items mentioned: Squishy human body: PaperPie. Squishy Human Body Wipe clean books: PaperPie. Search Cursive Wipe clean: https://r13202.paperpie.com/p/7093/wipe-clean-starting-cursive
Our Facebook community we share into. Join us: https://www.facebook.com/groups/107794994826764/
Leslie’s Social Media: IG: https://instagram.com/_herostartswithher_?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= FB: https://www.facebook.com/herostartswithherblog/ (Hero starts with Her with Leslie)
Stephanie’s Social Media: IG: https://instagram.com/mrs_smz_?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= FB: https://www.facebook.com/momma.FGF/ (Live a faithful balanced Life with Stephanie)
We want to hear from YOU!! Please email us with topics, that you might want us to talk about. Things we can dive into WITH YOU. Email us feedback on how we can improve and what you want to hear. We are here because of YOU and for YOU. We love being transparent with you all and we hope you will consider writing us because we love hearing from you and hearing your stories. Please Message either of us. Or email: herostartswithher@outlook.com Until next time guys.