
  • designing your authentic practice | Keep Pursuing webinar series

    this is the official replay of the second webinar in the Keep Pursuing webinar series.

    I'm joined by Lillian Turner to talk about designing your authentic practice/business. She shares her recent experience of launching her own firm in a way that is unique and authentic to her.

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    59 分
  • mind control

    "mind control", inspired by "taking back control of your mind", the fourth talk in the Keep Pursuing series

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    3 分
  • spirit, mind, body, and money: the four pillars of wellness with Adam Bruderly

    In this episode I'm joined by my friend, Adam Bruderly, to discuss our shared belief in the importance of the alignment of spirit, mind, body, and money.

    At his firm, Journey Wealth they have identified four pillars of wellness: spiritual, mental, physical, and financial which lead to true wealth. This was such a fun conversation as it was an opportunity to talk with someone working at a company that came to the same conclusion on alignment without either party knowing about the other.

    Follow Adam:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-bruderly-bcc%C2%AE-a31a2755/

    Journey Wealth: https://www.journey-wealth.com/

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    1 時間 11 分
  • it's an evolution

    "it's an evolution", inspired by the final talk of the Keep Pursuing series, "evolving with your authentic life"

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    2 分
  • increasing awareness with Devin Martin

    In this episode, I am joined by Devin Martin, executive and life coach and founder of Lifestyle Integrity. After navigating a period of suicidal depression, Devin committed himself to becoming a coach, first as health and nutrition, and eventually as a life coach. He has amassed over 10,000 hours helping individuals life a life of integrity.

    When I first heard Devin on another podcast, I told my Self that is the type of work and impact I want to have on people with LifeDesign+ AND I have to meet him. Thankfully, he responded to my cold DM and I was able to have an enlightening conversation with him---we cover a lot of topics, but the concept of awareness kept coming up, so it naturally had to find its way into the title.

    Be sure to give Devin a follow and check out his company Lifestyle Integrity.

    Devin's Twitter: https://x.com/FLOW_Coach

    Devin's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/integrallifecoach/

    Lifestyle Integrity: https://www.lifestyleintegrity.com/

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    1 時間 5 分
  • LifeDesign+ part ii

    the continuation of last week's LifeDesign+ part i.

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    3 分
  • LifeDesign+ part i

    they say if you fail to plan, you're planning to fail...

    beat by Nyck Caution, "Yellow Tape Road"

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    2 分
  • what am I doing?

    what am I doing?!?

    beat by Nyck Caution, "Good Company"

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    1 分