
  • Teaching Kids the Dangers of Too Little and Too Much

    Humans have a legitimate need for security -- food, clothing, and shelter. Jesus told his followers in the Sermon on the Mount God knows people need these things. Jesus said the "lilies of the field neither toil nor spin (work)," but he didn't add "neither should you."

    Poverty can lead to one type of idolization; while prosperity can lead to another. How do we teach our children to be responsible in meeting the need for security for themselves and others, without going down either of the wrong paths?

    That's we unpack today as we continue the series on teaching children to adopt the First and Second Great Commandments as their framework for life.

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

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  • Seven Letters that Make All the Difference

    Sometimes one word can make all the difference!

    For example, "may" in a legal document is entirely different from "shall." The first makes an action optional; the second makes it an obligation.

    In Jesus's teachings in Matthew 5, two words (7 letters) in the 6th Beatitude make all the difference -- not only for the original audience but for us.

    "Blessed are the pure" is an entirely different message than "Blessed are the pure -- in heart!"

    In the original audience's culture, "purity" had descended to an exhaustive (and exhausting) list of "thou shalt's and thou shalt not's." Over the centuries people had added their own items to God's original list of moral, ceremonial (instructions on how to worship God), and civil (political) laws. These were easy to measure because they were external.

    Yet these additions corrupted the entire purpose for the laws -- just as some of our laws today become more about serving a system than the people for whom the system was originally designed!

    But "purity" based culture, wearing a "Christian" tag, is still around. It might be subtle to-do's that infer a higher Christian maturity -- like early morning "quiet time" ranking higher than mid-afternoon "quiet time." Or it may be stringent formulas like those taught during the height of the "purity-culture" movement which shared elements with cults.

    The addition of Jesus' two words -- "in heart" -- made (and still make) all the difference! True purity always works from the inside out, not the reverse.

    We unpack this truth today and look at how we can assess our own hearts.

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Book Stephanie to speak to your women, parents, Christian educators, and students.












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  • Helping Kids Pick the Right Fork

    Robert Frost's immortal poem, "The Road Not Taken" speaks to the impact our choices make. This ability is hardwired into us, yet we often struggle to teach our kids (or use ourselves) a framework for how to make good choices.

    Today's episode unpacks the A-LASO method.

    A--Appreciate the ability to chose. This perspective helps move us into a posture of humility and stewardship.

    L -- Listen to voices which honor God. This is especially critical in a time where technology has made millions of voices accessible to our kids.

    A -- Ask God. How differently the world would be if Eve had said, "Mr. Serpent, I'm going to ask God about what you're saying before I try that fruit."

    S -- Speak into other people's lives about the choices they're making. There's a difference between sticking our nose where it doesn't belong and remaining quiet because of fear of ridicule or abandonment or conflict.

    O -- Obey. Even when it's not clear why it matters.

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Book Stephanie to speak to your women, parents, Christian educators, and students.













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  • What the World Needs Now

    Remember the song lyrics, "What the world needs now is love, sweet love?"

    It's as true now as then, even though what "love" looks like is still not universally agreed on.

    One trait, however, that tends to be recognized -- even if not practiced -- is mercy.

    This is one of the characteristics that Jesus declared marked people who lived in the kingdom of God. Mercy is not merely emotion; nor is it automatically marked by action. It is both the experience of deeply feeling someone else's need and then doing something about it.

    Yet "compassion fatigue" presents a legitimate problem. How can a person avoid this modern dilemma while retaining and even growing a heart of mercy?

    Is mercy simply "letting someone off the hook?"

    Does mercy restore trust?

    Does mercy oppose justice?

    We unpack the 5th "Beatitude" and discover the power of mercy in stories ranging from Jesus' parables to Guy de Maupassant's masterpiece, "The Necklace."

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Book Stephanie to speak to your women, parents, Christian educators, and students.














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  • Follow Your Passion! But First, Clean Your Room.

    The gospel is meant to be "earthy." It's not about how to "survive" earth until finally making it to heaven. Jesus taught the "Kingdom of Heaven" was about life starting here on earth.

    Teaching kids how to love God includes the practical, "earthy" things like honoring the places they inhabit and use. It's about seeing their purposes as being greater than self-interest and making a living.

    Place and purpose have a deep connection that goes back to the Garden of Eden -- before sin ever happened.

    Learn why teaching things like "Clean your room" isn't just about making your life easier. In the smallest of ways our requirements can build our children's character and enable them to be able to fulfill the First Great Commandment!

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Book Stephanie to speak to your women, parents, Christian educators, and students.











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  • When Hungering for Approval Is Good

    If Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, gave a free virtual workshop on how to run a successful company, people would listen!

    If Sydney McClaughlin-Levrone, the 400 meter hurdles World and Olympic record-holder offered free coaching, you can bet hurdle-wanna-be's would stand in line to gain her insights.

    So when Jesus says, "This is what leads to a fulfilled life," it's worth our attention!

    Today we dive into the 4th Beatitude. We see how a hunger and thirst for God's approval is the first part of seeking His righteousness (right-standing). We discover how showing up in the world and doing good flows from that righteousness. We also see how our spiritual appetite is cultivated just like our physical hungers and thirsts.

    We also see how "being fulfilled" isn't a promise of a future objective but a promise for the here and now in the nitty-gritty of life.

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Book Stephanie to speak to your women, parents, Christian educators, and students.














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  • Why Your Kid's Name Matters

    Everyone ends up with more names than the one given at birth. Many of these prove to be stressful if not downright destructive. They can come from parents, caregivers, siblings, adults, or other children. They can be mean and cruel, designed to hurt, or they can result from ignorance about their power -- even if they're "positive" names.

    See the power of names from the very first one given and how it can impact you to raise kids receptive to God's love.

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Book Stephanie to speak to your women, parents, Christian educators, and students.











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  • Meekness at the DMV

    Meekness is a wonderful concept! But it can be hard (at least for me) to practice at certain places -- like the Department of Motor Vehicles!

    In the 3rd Beatitude, Jesus declares it was the meek who would inherit the earth. Surely that would have sounded like Jesus didn't have a good grip on reality to a people ruled by Rome -- who hadn't conquered the "known world" by exercising meekness!

    Gain insights into how this declaration ties into the first two "Be Happy's" (otherwise known as the Beatitudes) and learn what meekness is and what it isn't.

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Book Stephanie to speak to your women, parents, Christian educators, and students.














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