Here we go. Straight from the lockdown, trying to make sense of it all. This episode features Sonam who is trying to figure out her new life. Also, a bunch of kickass musicians from around the world with some of their heartwarming compositions. We have Splitfingers from Mangalore, Vasu Raina from Delhi and Shivam/WhojaVU all the way from Germany. You can listen to more of their work here : Splitfingers :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClxR3SGmDA_P285gJKHB6bg Whoja Vu : https://open.spotify.com/artist/6jPDKSU3yWdQUDsdQluNK2?si=oljBrRYeTQiKcfiIP6Ifqw Vasu Raina : https://open.spotify.com/artist/5wwyvQQMsmzSUZo6FBoWJL?si=ECDVkPDIT2C9kQ-PhE9GYQ