Have you ever felt so stressed out and overwhelmed by a task, or by a suddenly out of control moment, that you were paralyzed with anxiety? You didn't know what to do next and so you froze up like a deer in headlights? Those kinds of stress-inducing moments are normal and occur to all of us. The issue, though, is what if those moments are occurring every day? What happens when we are experiencing stress, not as a once-in-a-while kind of thing, but as an all-day kind of thing? What toll is that taking on our mental health? How do we manage our stress and anxiety so that throughout our days we feel good and focused, and we're able to operate at peak performance? That's what we're going to explore in today's episode of The Virtual Event Strategist Podcast. Show Notes & Resources: https://www.thesocialmediahat.com/blog/maintain-mental-health-while-planning-virtual-events/