#034: Neil Rasmussen from Bri Steel joins us from their new base in Oklahoma to discuss the business challenges of steel manufacturing in Canada, dealing with foreign suppliers, and managing relationships from abroad.
Neil provides his firsthand account of navigating geopolitical roadblocks, dealing with global manufacturing challenges, and positioning your company to take advantage of global market gaps.
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Neil Rasmussen
Twitter: NeilRasmussen5
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/neil-rasmussen-30171742
Bri-Steel Manufacturing
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bristeel.mfg
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bri-steel-manufacturing-inc-/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpw-gVALw6YfVnHSrHfZEsQ
Website: http://www.bri-steel.com/