Recently we received a pre-sales email from a user who asked some great questions about magazine subscription model.
She said:
I'm looking for a membership plugin that will do the following:
- Person purchases a membership and gets access to the current month's content, but not previous months content.
- As long as they are a member, they get ongoing content that is published each month on the first of the month.
- I would want to have a Member's Area or Dashboard where they can view all the content that they have available to them.
- I need a place like a Shop or a store page to show them previous month's content that they don't have access to, that they could purchase each one separately. Does your plugin support these features?
Take a listen to this episode to find out my responses to her questions, what other membership plugin she had shortlisted, why she ended up choosing DAP over other plugins, and step-by-step how to implement this in your membership site!