
  • hit a plateau? Here is something to try.

    sometimes you hit a plateau.  How do you get past it?  Here is a trick I use to get to the next level. 

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  • push till your workout becomes a warm up

    Its time to make goals and crush them.  Push until what was considered your workout is a warm up.  I used to think 2 miles was crazy and now it is my warmup.  Go get it.  Go set goals and pus until they are a warmup for the greatness to come.  

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  • today is the day

    go get it- steps to take today to get the life you want.  Goals, baby steps, everyday moving forward towards your goal. 

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  • make the decisions for greatness

    take time and choose how and what you respond to.  Think about your life like an email box- you choose to delete the spam and you choose what to respond to.  It is the same in your life.  Choose excellence. 

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  • take a step towards your goals today

    Dont let life just occur.  Seize the day!

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  • FOCUS on 3 things

    Its time to focus on 3 things.  One for me is the podcast- what are three things you will focus on. 

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  • the first step starts with you

    time to go focus on what you really want to become.  If you don't know or cant answer this then how are you going to be successful? 

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  • One month down 11 to go

    One month of 2022 is gone.  Did you get after it? did you progress?  Did you get closer to your goal?  If not its okay, but today is that day.   Go get it. 

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