Embark on a journey through the enchanting world of Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting "Mona Lisa" in this immersive sleep story. 😴
In the story, you'll imagine standing in front of the captivating masterpiece in the Louvre Museum in Paris, as you're whisked away to the serene landscapes of Tuscany, Italy. You will then delve into the intriguing life of Leonardo da Vinci, his trials and tribulations as an artist, and the captivating mystery and profound significance surrounding "Mona Lisa". You will meander through the tranquil Italian countryside, experience profound peace and tranquility, prompting you to reflect on the beauty and wonders of your own life. 🖼️🌳
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:41 - Relaxation
00:05:10 - The Mona Lisa Visit Sleep Story
00:40:59 - Music & Sounds
The Mona Lisa Visit – Sleep Story, and Guided Imagery about Davinci's Mona Lisa Painting
Script, Narration, Music and Sound Design by Stephen Dalton
Distributed by Genuina Media
All rights are reserved to the Stephen Dalton Meditation & Sleep Channel.
If you have any questions, feel free to write under https://stephendaltonvo.com