
  • Lazarus' Story and Yours - Part 1

    In this two-part series, "Lazarus' Story and Yours," we will juxtapose our lives with Lazarus' experience. We will consider six lessons from Lazarus' situation and how it relates to our lives. Be blessed and transformed by this message!

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  • Keep Praying About It

    Sometimes, we get weary because situations we have prayed about linger. In this episode, "Keep Praying About It," we are admonished, just as scripture says, to pray without ceasing. We are admonished to continue to pray about that situation and not give in or let go until God comes through for us. Be blessed and transformed by this message!

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  • Jesus wants to spend time with you

    Jesus is always readily available to commune and fellowship with us. Alas, we are so occupied with activities that we miss intimate moments with him. In this episode, "Jesus wants to spend time with you," we are admonished to return to the secret place where Jesus awaits fellowship with us. He is readily available and waiting for you. Be blessed and transformed by this message!

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  • Include Jesus in All You Do

    In this episode, "Include Jesus in All You Do," we are admonished to endeavour to involve Jesus in everything we do. Let Jesus be the focal point of your life, allowing him to steer your affairs. Be blessed and transformed by this message!

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  • In training for better things

    In this episode, "In training for better things," we admonished that our present state or situation is only a preparation ground for better things ahead. We are, therefore, encouraged to stay strong, trust God, and stay true to the journey till our manifestation. Be blessed and transformed by this message!

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  • 'In Christ' You are Beyond Condemnation

    In this episode, "'In Christ' You are Beyond Condemnation," we study one of the rudiments of our faith as Christians. Our aim in this episode is to make you firm in your stance and belief in Christ. You are no longer condemned, so do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Be blessed and transformed by this message!

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  • Imputed Righteousness

    In today's episode, "Imputed Righteousness," we study one key element of our salvation, Imputed Righteousness. Be blessed by this message!

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  • Honour God, and He will Honour you

    In today's episode, "Honour God, and He will Honour you," we are admonished to give Good all the honour and reverence due to him. As we honour and appreciate God, he will honour us in the presence of men. Be blessed by this message!

    Remember to like, share, comment, subscribe, and follow us. #MorningQuestPodcast #Podcast #PracticalChristianity

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