

    Have you ever been in a place that you wanted to hear God‘s voice and hear it clearly so you know it’s God and not anybody else not a stranger God knows us it’s time for us to get to know him more intimately know his voice distinctly and how do we do that this prayer will tell you listen to the prayer and start saying it for yourself so you will begin to understand and know God‘s voice

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  • BUT GOD!!!

    Have you ever had a Beautiful T GOD moment

    There have been times in my life on the journey that I’m on now that I thought I could make it, but I thank God he allowed me to keep my mind. I know my head from my feet. I know my hands from my head. I’m thankful that God keeps on protecting me even when I don’t have sense enough to look out for myself God does. God has stood by me for 56 about to be 57 years and I’m thankful and I’m grateful I will always put God first go to him first for any of my needs and wants because he has every resource because he is the SOURCE

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    3 分
  • Keep Pushing

    In life, we have to learn to push through keep pushing keep pressing when it seems to be hard keep pressing when it seems that you can’t make it keep pressing. It’s not time to stop. It’s not time to be in neutral. You need to put your foot on the gas for your dreams, business goals, visions your life your ministry . It’s time for us to go so keep pressing.

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    2 分
  • You are Worthy

    It is important for each and everyone of us to understand that we are worthy of the dream or dreams that we’ve had for so long it is still possible for your dreams to come to fruition. You cannot move into your future thinking about all the things that you’ve done that we’re not right all the things that you missed out on because you weren’t paying attention there is still time for you to live the life you desire to live. You have to understand that you are worthy of everything that you dream of your worthy of the financial stability your worthy of love. Keep dreaming and never stop dreaming you’re dream is possible and you’re worthy to develop the dream into what you wanted to be.

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  • Be the best version of you
    Focus on the things which are important always keep God first in everything you do. This is a tool which will help keep you focus and task living your dream and walking in your purpose on purpose. There is greatness in you so why not be the best version of you with different steps that you follow to become the best version of you. There is greatness in you walk in your full potential and be the best version of you.
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    18 分
  • Stop sabotaging yourself and your success
    When you sabotage yourself and your sis, that means that you have not tapped into the potential that God has given you, you don’t believe in yourself and you begin to believe the negativity that people say to you about you your dreams, your goals and your visions I encourage you today to ask God to show you the vision he has for your life that God has given you only you can dream because he only gave it to you times that God has stirred up the gift and we will walk backwards from the gift so much that God has given that the world needs, and they will only accepted from you so from this day stop sabotaging yourself start believing you and let your light shine so bright that people that don’t believe in you they have to put some shades on because your light is so bright light is uncomfortable. I always taught you have to be uncomfortable so you can be comfortable and I mean comfortable in Christ don’t be afraid to talk about it. Don’t be afraid to tell him what God is done for you because God has been mighty good to you and your life your business, your total life so stop self sabotaging you let that has been re-extinguished in your spirit. Let it let it let it light up so all you wanna do is press the and gold stepping out on faith. Don’t let anyone discourage you about what God is giving you because he gave it to youCalled nobody else that tell you he didn’t call you so and step out on faith believing you trust the spirit that’s only inside of you the anointing which God has on your life start believing what God is telling you and not man sometimes you have to look in the mirror and encourage yourself. You are amazing. You are wonderful you. You were created for a time such as this, to be the trailblazer that you are. STOP sabotaging your self and your success.
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    9 分
  • Wanted to re-introduced who Gigi Smith is
    How many Evangelist motivational speaker life coach and a published author my platform and purpose is to make a difference in your life. I do that by motivating you encouraging you inspiring you, and empowering you to be the best version of you always be authentic and true to who you are don’t feel less of yourself by falling into the trap of people that don’t believe in you don’t support you and do not want you to succeed, you will succeed in whatever you desire if you believe it in your heart and feel it and see it achieve it.
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    3 分
  • Stop looking for you and everybody else
    In our lives, we grow up wanting to be the best version of ourselves and as we grow up, we meet different types of people and for some reason we want to find ourselves in these people, but you’re not gonna find yourself there because there’s only one you you know the type of person you are, the heart you have. STOP trying to fit yourself in everybody’s mold because you were not meant to fit there. The spirit that you have is much bigger than the surroundings that you surround yourself with the people you talk to you want to be friends, but they don’t want to be your friend to be a person or people that gossip about you talk about you in a negative way and believe it or not we know that, but we still want to be included you don’t have to be a person that says pick me pick me because God is already picked you so stop looking for youyou because you’re not gonna find yourself in them as long as you have your relationship with God and you continue to grow your relationship God is already picked for the assignment that he has for you. He doesn’t want you belittle yourself down to another person level where you are only operating your emotions, knowing that you have a comforter that is with you is called the Holy Spirit.
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