
  • The Lordship of Christ - Ministry & Music 10

    It is so very important that God's covenant, born again children, consistently call upon the Lord. This we learn when we read Psalm 145 verse 18. As we call upon the Lord He will answer us, from the righteousness and truth of God's throne, where the Father and Son, reign. Sometimes it may take longer than we would hope for but our Lord is faithful and true and always answers our petitions. Hold fast to the word, the Holy Bible and believe that He is always faithful to His word and to those who obey His word. Remember, it took Abraham and Sarah, twenty five years before their promised son, Isaac, was born.

    The Lord's Authority and Power

    We read about the authority and power that was given to Jesus Christ, from Matthew chapter 28 verse 18. Who gave Jesus His complete power and authority? God the Father, gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, this immense power, over all of His creation. This occurred after Jesus rose again, from His death on the Cross, at Calvary. The Lord's power was given to Him over everything, on earth and in heaven, except for God the Father. Its chief purpose on earth, was revealed in verse 19. His children were to go and make disciples of people in all the nations of the world. They were to baptise all the believers, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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  • Victory Over Babylon- Podcast 342 - Ministry & Music 9

    Babylon, today, is mankind's attempts to govern by himself and ignore God's will and purposes. It is basically a monolith of financial, governmental, religious, philosophical, and Satan led system of confusion. This system began at the Tower of Babel and was then developed by the ancient Empire of Babylon. Later on, after Israel's Babylonian captivity, it began to contaminate the Jewish religion and economy and has continued on from before and after the time of Christ to the world wide juggernaut of disorder, Christian's see operating in the world around them. Satan has inspired man to be his own god and to make his own way, in defiance of our Creator God. Despite man being made in the likeness of God the whole world system of mankind is fraught with lies and deceit, warfare, corruption, sickness, plagues, climate catastrophes, government mismanagement and financial ruin. It is really quite hopeless because only doing things God's way can work, effectively.

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  • Don't Be Deceived -Ministry & Music 8

    No believer in God and His word, the Holy Bible and has allowed the Holy Spirit to take control of their life, should ever be deceived. Everyone, who is born again by the Spirit of God and cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and is a faithful reader and confessor of God's word and applies God's words to their life, should ever be consistently deceived. Lies and deception comes through the flesh, the world, and the devil. This also includes the devil's demonic counterparts both of the fallen angelic realm and those of unrepentant mankind. Always test whatever you read and meditate upon or hear from the pulpit with what the word of God, the Holy Bible, has to say on the subject. As well, the revelation knowledge, given by the Holy Spirit, to your own spirit.

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  • Living in Resurrection Power -Podcast 340

    Every born again believer can and should recognise, from the evidence found in God's word, the Holy Bible, that they have been endowed with God's resurrection power. They are well able to combat and destroy the works of the enemy, Satan. We are able to plainly read and learn about this evidence from Matthew 28:18-19. Jesus has been given all authority and power in both heaven and earth. This was the power that the Lord obtained from God the Father after He arose from the dead and conquered all the lies and deceits of the flesh, the world and the devil. When we surrendered our life to Jesus Christ this was the point at which His resurrection power was given to all who genuinely believe. He conferred His resurrection authority and power upon all His born again children. It is in and through Him, alone, that His resurrection power was bestowed on the church.

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  • Set Free

    Prisoners can often lack hope as to their future freedom. Then comes the day that they regain their freedom in society and no longer have to live a shackled life behind prison bars and doors. They have been set free! The majority of mankind live in their prison of man made ideas, fears and superstitions. They seem to be forever bound by their own thoughts and circumstances, without a hope of future freedom. Then the wonderful light of God's salvation shines into their lives. They accept Christ's pardon of sins' forgiven and become inheritors of eternal life as a child of God. This is the most magnificent freedom anyone can ever have. Their burden of sins are washed away by Christ's shed blood, on Calvary, for them and they now have eternal freedom. The prison bars are gone!

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  • Are You really a Believer - Blog 337- August 12th 2024

    Everyone who believes will receive! Receive what? If you are really a believer this means you will receive all the wonderful blessings that God desires you to have in your life. This means not just what you want but what is the best and necessary for your life. Jesus, the Son of God, will grant everything that is righteous and holy. The Lord knows your needs before you even ask Him. The most important aspect of your special prayer request is that you really believe the Lord will not only answer your petition but His answer will be a perfect answer, for your request.

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  • His Victory Is Yours

    If you have had the divine privilege of having been recreated, by the Holy Spirit, as a blood bought child of God, then you are, indeed, an eternal winner, in life. All who repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour, have become overcomers and in Christ, eternal winners, in this world and in the next. You must keep living daily by learning, reading, meditating upon, confessing and applying God's word, by faith, to all your current circumstances and to all your future experiences. Always, keep worshipping the Lord in word and song and keep on interceding, in prayer, for others and breaking off the works of the flesh, the world and the devil.

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  • Walk by Faith

    As you grow older, through teenage years, you begin to realise that there is another world out there that is full of deceit, violence and falsehood. This is the world dominated by the flesh, the world and the devil. In order to overcome this world and be truly victorious you need to daily feed your spirit person, with the word of God, the Holy Bible. This is the only way to become strong and healthy, in your real inner person. Your spirit is to constantly feed upon the word of God and allow the anointing, upon your life, of the Holy Spirit. If not you will never be strong in the Lord but you will always end up a weak, anaemic Christian, being tempted and bowled over by Satan's deceitful tricks.

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