
  • The Book of Ruth Chapter 4

    In this episode, Zach and Chris explore the final chapter of Ruth, focusing on the legal and spiritual implications of Boaz's actions as the kinsman redeemer. They discuss the cultural and historical context of the events, the significance of the redemption process, and how this story foreshadows the ultimate redemption through Jesus Christ. The episode also touches on the themes of integrity, faithfulness, and God's providence, illustrating how ordinary people can play pivotal roles in God's greater plan.

    Key Points:

    • Naomi's Plan and Boaz's Integrity: Naomi devises a plan for Ruth to seek Boaz’s protection, showcasing Boaz’s integrity and commitment to God's law.
    • Legal Proceedings: Boaz approaches the closer relative and the town elders to resolve the redemption of Ruth and Naomi’s land.
    • Boaz's Redemption: Boaz redeems Ruth, securing the family lineage and demonstrating God’s providence and faithfulness.
    • Lineage of David and Jesus: The episode highlights the importance of Ruth and Boaz's union in the lineage leading to King David and ultimately to Jesus Christ.
    • Themes: The discussion includes themes of redemption, restoration, faithfulness, integrity, and the foreshadowing of Christ’s redemptive work.

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  • The Book of Ruth Chapter 3

    Summary: In this episode, Naomi instructs Ruth on how to approach Boaz to request his protection as a kinsman redeemer. Ruth demonstrates her loyalty and obedience by following Naomi's plan, and Boaz, impressed by Ruth's virtue and devotion, agrees to her request, committing to resolve the legal matters required for him to become her redeemer.

    Key Points:

    • Naomi's Plan: Naomi devises a strategic plan for Ruth to seek Boaz's protection.
    • Ruth's Obedience: Ruth follows Naomi's instructions, showcasing her servant's heart.
    • Threshing Floor: Ruth approaches Boaz at the threshing floor, symbolizing a place of separation and revelation.
    • Request for Protection: Ruth humbly asks Boaz to spread his garment over her, indicating her need for his protection and redemption.
    • Boaz's Agreement: Boaz agrees to Ruth's request, demonstrating his integrity and willingness to fulfill his role as a redeemer.
    • Virtuous Character: The episode emphasizes Ruth's virtue and Boaz's honorable character.

    Discussion Points:

    • The cultural significance of the threshing floor in ancient Israel.
    • The concept of the kinsman redeemer in biblical law and its implications for Ruth and Naomi.
    • The symbolism of spreading the garment and its meaning in the context of protection and redemption.

    Scripture References:

    • Ruth 3:1-18

    Reflection Questions:

    1. What does Naomi's plan reveal about her character and her concern for Ruth?
    2. How does Ruth's approach to Boaz reflect her humility and courage?
    3. In what ways does Boaz exemplify the qualities of a kinsman redeemer?

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  • The Book of Ruth Chapter 2

    Title: The Book of Ruth: Chapter 2 - Gleaning and Divine Providence

    Hosts: Zach and Chris

    Episode Summary:


    • Welcome to New Self-Productions, where we discuss the Bible and its application to daily life.
    • Encouragement to like, follow, and subscribe to stay updated with new episodes.

    Discussion on Ruth Chapter 2:

    • Overview of Ruth's journey with Naomi back to Bethlehem.
    • Ruth’s initiative to glean in the fields to provide for Naomi and herself.
    • Introduction to Boaz, a relative of Naomi’s late husband, and his godly character.

    Themes Explored:

    • Loyalty and Dedication:
      • Ruth's commitment to Naomi and her willingness to work hard to support them.
    • Divine Providence:
      • Ruth’s “chance” encounter with Boaz’s field, highlighting God's hand in their lives.
    • Godly Character:
      • Boaz's greeting to his workers and his actions towards Ruth, reflecting a man of faith.
      • Boaz’s protection and provision for Ruth, emphasizing the biblical principle of caring for the vulnerable.

    Personal Reflections:

    • Chris and Zach share insights on how Boaz’s actions model godly behavior.
    • Discussion on how the themes of Ruth apply to modern life, particularly in demonstrating faith and generosity.

    Closing Remarks:

    • Preview of the next episode focusing on Chapter 3 of Ruth.
    • Call to action for listeners to read Ruth and reflect on its themes.
    • Invitation for listeners to share their insights and comments on the discussion.

    Contact us at newselfproductions@gmail.com

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  • The Book Of Ruth: Chapter 1


    • Welcome to New Self-Productions, a platform for discussing the Bible and its application to everyday life.
    • Encouragement to like, follow, and subscribe to stay updated with new episodes.

    Discussion on the Book of Ruth:

    • Overview of the story and its setting during the time of the Judges.
    • Examination of Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi and the cultural implications of their actions.

    Themes Explored:

    • Grief and Loss:
      • Naomi's experience of losing her husband and sons.
      • The emotional journey of leaving Moab and returning to Bethlehem.
    • Loyalty and Commitment:
      • Ruth's famous pledge to Naomi (Ruth 1:16-17) and its significance.
      • The cultural practice of gleaning and its role in Ruth and Naomi's survival.
    • Redemption:
      • Introduction to the concept of the kinsman-redeemer and its importance in ancient Israel.

    Personal Reflections:

    • Chris and Zach share their personal experiences with grief and how the story of Ruth has impacted their understanding of God's faithfulness.
    • Discussion on the relevance of Ruth’s story for modern audiences, particularly in understanding and coping with loss.

    Closing Remarks:

    • Preview of the next episode focusing on Chapter 2 of Ruth.
    • Call to action for listeners to read the Book of Ruth and reflect on its themes.
    • Invitation for listeners to share their insights and comments on the discussion.

    Contact us at newselfproductions@gmail.com

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  • The Book Of Ruth Overview

    In this episode we discuss the Book of Ruth, exploring its themes of loyalty, compassion, and redemption, and how they apply to our lives today. Taking a dive into the cultural context and the significance of Ruth's story, highlighting God's providence and the overarching narrative of redemption throughout the Bible.


    • Introduction to the episode and the podcast's focus on applying the Bible to daily life.
    • Discussion on the Book of Ruth, emphasizing its relevance for both men and women.
    • Key themes: loyalty, compassion, connection, family, love, and most importantly, redemption.
    • The cultural context of Ruth’s story, set during the period of the Judges.
    • Detailed examination of Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi and her dedication to God.
    • Insights into Boaz’s role as a kinsman-redeemer and the legal customs of ancient Israel.
    • The significance of Ruth’s inclusion in the genealogy of Jesus.
    • Reflection on how the story of Ruth mirrors the gospel message of redemption.

    Key Points:

    Introduction to the Book of Ruth:

    • Overview of the story and its setting during the time of the Judges.
    • The significance of Bethlehem, where Ruth’s story unfolds and where Jesus was later born.

    Ruth’s Loyalty and Devotion:

    • Ruth's famous pledge to Naomi (Ruth 1:16-17).
    • The cultural and social implications of Ruth’s actions.

    Boaz as a Kinsman-Redeemer:

    • Explanation of the kinsman-redeemer role and its importance in ancient Israel.
    • Boaz’s actions and their significance in the narrative.

    Cultural Context:

    • The importance of understanding the cultural and historical background to fully appreciate the story.
    • How the customs and laws of the time influenced the characters' actions.

    Themes of Redemption:

    • How Ruth’s story illustrates God’s redemption and provision.
    • The connection between the story of Ruth and the broader biblical theme of redemption from Genesis to Revelation.

    Application for Today:

    • How the lessons from Ruth can be applied to modern life.
    • Encouragement to see God’s hand in everyday situations and to understand the importance of loyalty and faith.

    Contact us at newselfproductions@gmail.com

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  • What is church?

    In this episode of New Self Productions, Zach and Chris delve into the definition and purpose of the church, exploring the biblical context and distinctions between the 'big C' Church and 'little c' church. They discuss how the church functions as a community of believers, its roles, and the importance of maintaining an outward-focused mission.

    Show Notes:


    • Overview of New Self Productions and today's topic: Understanding the Church.
    • Encouragement to like and follow for updates.

    What is the Church?

    • Definition: The church as the community of all true believers.
    • Biblical references: Ephesians 5:25, 1 Corinthians 1:2.
    • Explanation of visible and invisible church.

    Nature of the Church

    • Universal vs. Local Church: 1 Corinthians 12:12-13, Acts 9:31.
    • Spiritual Organism: Colossians 1:18, Ephesians 1:22-23.

    Purposes of the Church

    • Worship: John 4:24, Hebrews 10:25.
    • Nurture: Ephesians 4:12-13, Colossians 3:16.
    • Outreach: Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8.

    Leadership of the Church

    • Biblical Leadership Structure: 1 Timothy 3:1-7, 1 Timothy 3:8-13.
    • Role of the Holy Spirit: Acts 20:28, John 16:13.

    Big C vs. Little c Church

    • Distinctions between the 'big C' Church (the body of Christ) and 'little c' church (local congregations).
    • Importance of community and fellowship within the church.

    Characteristics of the Early Church

    • Examples from Acts 2.
    • Emphasis on community, fellowship, and service.

    Modern Challenges and Misconceptions

    • Differences between early church practices and modern institutionalized church.
    • Importance of outward focus and mission.


    • Recap of the discussion.
    • Encouragement to reflect on personal involvement in the church.
    • Invitation to share experiences and comments.

    Contact us at newselfproductions@gmail.com

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  • Spirit-Driven: Following God’s Lead Part 3

    The Holy Spirit leads and speaks to believers in several ways. Here are key methods with supporting scriptures:

    1. Through the Word of God (Scripture)

    The Holy Spirit helps believers understand and apply the Bible. This guidance is often described as illumination, where the Spirit makes the truths of Scripture clear and relevant.

    - **John 16:13**: "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come."

    - **2 Timothy 3:16-17**: "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

    2. Through Inner Witness (Conscience and Intuition)

    The Holy Spirit often speaks to believers through an inner sense of conviction or peace, often described as an inner witness.

    - **Romans 8:16**: "The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children."

    - **1 John 2:27**: "As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him."

    3. Through Circumstances and Events

    The Holy Spirit can use circumstances and events to guide and speak to believers, helping them discern God's will through what happens around them.

    - **Acts 16:6-7**: "Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to."

    4. Through Other Believers (Counsel and Fellowship)

    The Holy Spirit often uses other believers to speak into one's life, providing wisdom, encouragement, and guidance through the community of faith.

    - **Proverbs 15:22**: "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed."

    - **1 Corinthians 12:7-8**: "Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit."

    5. Through Prayer and Fasting

    During times of prayer and fasting, believers often experience a clearer sense of the Holy Spirit’s leading and speaking.

    - **Acts 13:2-3**: "While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, 'Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.' So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off."

    6. Through Dreams and Visions

    The Holy Spirit can communicate through dreams and visions, providing specific guidance or revelation.

    - **Acts 2:17**: "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.'"

    - **Acts 10:9-16**: Peter’s vision of the clean and unclean animals, where God used a vision to change Peter’s perspective on Gentile inclusion in the church.

    These methods demonstrate the multifaceted ways the Holy Spirit leads and speaks to believers, ensuring they are guided in their spiritual journey and daily life.

    Contact us at newselfproductions@gmail.com

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  • Spirit-Driven: Following God’s Lead Part 2

    In this compelling episode of New Self Podcast, hosts Zach and Chris dive deep into the Biblical narrative of 1 Kings 13, focusing on the stories of King Jeroboam and an unnamed prophet. They explore the critical themes of obedience to God's commands and the consequences of disobedience, illustrating how divine instructions are not merely suggestions but directives that shape the outcomes of our lives.

    The discussion opens with personal reflections on spiritual leadership and the weight of making choices that align with divine will. The hosts dissect the actions of King Jeroboam who, despite initially being blessed by God, strays from his righteous path to pursue his desires, leading to severe repercussions not only for himself but also for his kingdom. This narrative is paralleled with the tale of the unnamed prophet sent by God to warn Jeroboam, emphasizing the dangers of deviating from God’s path.

    Zach and Chris highlight how the prophet's journey symbolizes the peril of ignoring God's explicit commands through engaging storytelling and analysis. They touch upon the prophet's miraculous signs that confirm his divine mission, and how these signs were intended to guide Jeroboam back to fidelity with God. However, Jeroboam’s focus remains skewed towards personal gain rather than repentance, a decision that leads to his downfall.

    Further, the episode enriches the discussion by connecting these Old Testament teachings to personal and contemporary applications, urging listeners to reflect on their spiritual journeys. Are they, like Jeroboam and the prophet, at risk of ignoring divine guidance for comfort or gain? The conversation is rooted in the understanding that each choice made in defiance of God's will carries with it inevitable consequences, which can be severe.

    Contact us at newselfproductions@gmail.com

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    1 時間 8 分