    In today's episode, we dive deep into a story that transcends the ordinary. Matt Kahn, a spiritual teacher and author known for his gentle guidance and profound wisdom, takes us on a journey through his unique experiences as a channeler. From childhood encounters with spontaneous wisdom to mystical out-of-body experiences, Matt's life has been anything but conventional. As we unravel his story, we discover the remarkable ways he came to terms with channeling, hearing voices, and receiving guidance from higher realms.Matt shares that his channeling began at the tender age of eight. Imagine an eight-year-old boy casually speaking profound truths that leave adults around him astonished. "There’s a part of me standing next to me, telling me what to say, but I only know what I’m saying as I say it," he recalls. What started as a trickle of wisdom soon grew into an ocean of understanding, as he realized he wasn’t alone in his spiritual insights. He was, in his words, "a microphone for something greater."Throughout his journey, Matt Kahn experienced what many would call miraculous events. He had a vivid out-of-body experience at the age of 10, where he found himself in a heavenly garden filled with radiant colors and unconditional love. There, he encountered a being dressed in a white robe, who emanated light and love in a way he had never felt before. That experience left an indelible mark on his soul, showing him that spirituality was real, even if he couldn’t explain it at the time.Channeling became an integral part of Matt's life, though he never sought to make it his identity. He simply flowed with what he was receiving, using his gifts to help others. "I’m here to love all parts of me and whatever parts from my past hadn’t been loved by anyone else," he explains. This message of self-love became central to his work, helping others heal through embracing their own shadows and wounds.One of the most beautiful aspects of Matt's journey is his humble relationship with his guides. He didn't seek out fame or titles. In fact, he downplays the sensationalism of being a channeler, saying, "Channeling is just one of my abilities. I’m an empath, an intuitive, but these are just one of many things that I have been given to do the work that I do." His wisdom flows effortlessly, whether discussing his spiritual journey or cracking a joke about the quirks of life.In our conversation, Matt Kahn touches on the importance of living with integrity. He speaks about how his guides, including Ascended Masters like Melchizedek and Jesus, guided him to focus on love and heart-centeredness, not just esoteric experiences. He reminds us that spiritual growth is not about accumulating mystical achievements but about how we live our lives. The greatest wisdom he imparts is simple yet profound: "Whatever arises, love that."

    1. Self-Love is Essential: Matt’s message is clear—true healing and awakening begin with loving all parts of ourselves, especially the parts that feel unloved or unworthy.
    2. Trust the Process: Even when we can’t make sense of it, life is always guiding us toward our highest good. Matt’s story is a testament to trusting in the unknown and allowing spiritual guidance to flow.
    3. Spirituality is Grounded in Humanity: We don’t need to chase after spiritual experiences. The real magic happens when we integrate spirituality into our daily lives, embracing the ordinary with as much reverence as the extraordinary.
    In this conversation, we witness the remarkable balance between the mystical and the practical, the divine and the human. Matt Kahn offers us not only his wisdom but also a reminder that we are all capable of connecting to something greater than ourselves. His journey inspires us to explore our own inner depths and to trust that, whatever path we walk, it’s leading us home.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Matt Kahn.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.
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    1 時間 7 分
  • NLS 496: VATICAN COVER-UP: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR and the Secret HOLY BLOODLINE of Jesus! with Templar Timothy Hogan
    On today's episode, we welcome Timothy Hogan, a Grand Master of the Knights Templar, who brings to light centuries-old mysteries, including the Vatican's secrets and the Holy Bloodline of Jesus. In our fascinating conversation, Hogan reveals deep connections between ancient orders, suppressed knowledge, and the role of the Templars in preserving sacred truths. Our exploration moves beyond historical timelines and into realms of spiritual wisdom that continue to resonate today.Timothy Hogan opens by explaining the origin of Friday the 13th as unlucky, a date tied to the infamous rounding up of the Knights Templar in 1307 by the Roman Church. As Hogan notes, the Templar Order, rich in spiritual wisdom and guardians of sacred treasures like the Holy Grail, had long been perceived as a threat by the powers that sought to control religious narratives. They were not only warriors but also custodians of profound spiritual truths, including Gnostic and alchemical knowledge, which set them apart from the mainstream religious structures of the time.He shares that the Templars viewed Christ as more than a religious figure confined to the Roman Church’s teachings. To the Templars, Jesus embodied universal consciousness—an idea closely linked to the wisdom of Eastern traditions, such as the teachings of Krishna and Buddha. Hogan highlights how the Templars understood the "Christos" as a cosmic principle that transcended physicality, merging esoteric Christian teachings with philosophies from ancient Egypt and India.One of the most mind-opening parts of our dialogue was Hogan’s revelation of the Templars' connection to the Holy Grail. As he explains, the Grail is not merely a physical cup but a symbol for something much more profound: the connection between individual consciousness and the universal divine mind. “The Grail represents that mystical union between the personal and the cosmic, the finite and the infinite,” says Hogan. The Templars understood this spiritual alchemy, embodying the idea that we are all walking temples, capable of connecting directly to the divine.Our discussion then shifts to one of the greatest controversies in Christian history—the bloodline of Jesus. Hogan shares that, according to Templar tradition, Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, herself a high initiate in ancient mysteries. Together, they symbolized the union of wisdom (Sophia) and divine consciousness. Through this marriage, a sacred bloodline continued, one that the Templars were tasked to protect, not just physically but spiritually, ensuring that the deeper truths of Christ’s teachings endured despite attempts at suppression.

    1. Universal Consciousness: The Templars understood Christ as a symbol of universal consciousness, not a deity tied solely to religious dogma. This interpretation opens the door to a more inclusive spiritual understanding.
    2. The Holy Grail as Spiritual Alchemy: The Grail, far from being just a cup, symbolizes the union between personal and cosmic consciousness. This mystical union is a form of spiritual enlightenment accessible to all.
    3. Guardians of Hidden Knowledge: The Knights Templar were not just warriors but preservers of profound spiritual teachings, merging Christian Gnosticism with the wisdom of ancient Egypt, India, and even Atlantis.
    In this profound conversation, Hogan invites us to look beyond history books and dogma to uncover the spiritual truths that still have relevance today. He encourages us to seek out the "Holy Grail" within ourselves, awakening to the divine consciousness that permeates all things. As humanity stands at the cusp of greater spiritual awareness, the Templars' mission of preserving sacred wisdom becomes more relevant than ever.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Timothy Hogan.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.
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    2 時間 6 分
  • BONUS MONDAYS: How To MANIFEST Anything You Want In Life FAST! (POWERFUL TECHNIQUE) with Jocelyn Jones
    Jocelyn Jones is one of Hollywood’s most prized secret weapons. A legendary acting teacher, coach, and artistic advisor to the stars, she has served as a confidential Creative Consultant on some of the highest-grossing pictures of all time.

    Now, she shares her personal journey—and the secrets behind her unique methodology—in Artist: Awakening the Spirit Within.

    How do you tap into the power of creation? A great teacher doesn’t just tell you; they show you! With forthright vulnerability, Jones shares the memories and lessons that shaped her, both spiritually and as a world-class teacher—proving beyond question that the same creative process she offers actors can help you discover and manifest a life in coherence with your own heart.

    Whether you’re an actor looking to elevate your craft or a fellow human traveler pursuing your dreams, Artist shows you step by step how to awaken to your higher self and move confidently into the life you were born to live.

    An acting teacher for over thirty years, Ms. Jones is known for offering insights and techniques that enhance her clients' confidence; provide consistent, inspirational results; and guide them to their own unique perspectives. Her memoir is a blueprint for awakening and connecting to the spirit within—the Artist, capable of manifesting anything.

    Ms. Jones is also known for the critically acclaimed documentary series In Class with Jocelyn Jones, A Celebration of Actors & Acting, featuring sixteen studio members as they demonstrate the range of work taught in her Master Class.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.
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    57 分
  • NLS 495: Top PSYCHIC Uses ANGEL NUMBERS to Predict the FUTURE! 2025 Will Be a WILD RIDE! with Michaela Firester
    On today's episode, we welcome Michaela Firester, a psychic medium and aura reader, who takes us on a journey into the mystical realm of angel numbers, aura readings, and humanity's evolving future. With an uncanny ability to see colors around people from a young age, Michaela shares how her perception of the world is fundamentally shaped by these energetic hues. For her, seeing auras is as natural as noticing someone’s eye color—something she’s always lived with, but didn’t fully understand until later in life. As she delved deeper into her abilities, she realized the unique power they held in helping people uncover their true selves.What stands out in this conversation is Michaela’s explanation of how these colors—red for assertiveness, blue for sensitivity, and yellow for organization—can guide people in understanding their personalities and life choices. She speaks with passion about how everyone’s aura reveals not just surface-level traits, but deeper insights into their life’s purpose. The way she weaves spirituality into the everyday—whether it’s helping a child in school based on the color of their aura or guiding an adult through significant life choices—shows how intertwined energy is with our decisions.One of the most compelling parts of the discussion is Michaela's insight into angel numbers. These recurring sequences, she explains, are not just random coincidences but powerful messages from high vibrational beings, meant to guide us in our life’s path. She advises, “When you start seeing a number over and over again, ask yourself how you feel when you see it.” These numbers, she says, come with emotional resonance, nudging us toward decisions that align with our soul’s purpose. Angel numbers are a way for the universe to communicate with us when we need direction, offering a subtle push when we're at a crossroads.In her work with clients, Michaela has seen how aura readings can unlock deep transformations. One story she shares is about a woman who, despite her role as an office coordinator, was offered the chance to buy the business she worked for. At first, the woman hesitated, believing she wasn’t capable. But through their session, Michaela helped her see that her aura was perfectly suited for leadership. The woman embraced her authentic energy, purchased the company, and turned it into a thriving business. It's these moments of realization, Michaela emphasizes, that show how we can use our natural gifts to manifest dreams we thought were beyond our reach.

    1. Angel Numbers Are Personal Guides
      Angel numbers appear when we need them most, sending emotional and spiritual signals that resonate with our current life situations. When they show up, take a moment to reflect on what’s happening in your life and how you feel.
    2. Auras Reveal More Than Personality
      While auras can provide insight into surface-level traits like sensitivity or assertiveness, they also hold deeper wisdom about your soul's purpose. Learning to recognize and harness the power of your aura can lead to life-changing shifts.
    3. Trust Your Curiosity
      As Michaela advises, “Curiosity is your soul asking, 'Can we go deeper?'” Don’t dismiss those moments of intrigue as mere distractions—follow them, because they are guiding you toward your spiritual growth.
    In this profound conversation, we also touch on the future of humanity, a subject that feels both hopeful and uncertain. Michaela speaks of the "fuzziness" she sees in the collective trajectory, where nothing is set in stone, and every choice we make carries weight. She encourages listeners to tune into their own personal energy and make decisions with intention because the future is malleable, and it’s up to each of us to steer our own ship.This dialogue is more than just an exploration of spiritual abilities—it’s an invitation to rethink how we interact with the world around us, to listen more closely to the signs, and to trust the guidance that’s always there, whether through colors, numbers, or inner knowing.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Michaela Firester.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.
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    1 時間 4 分
  • NLS 494: QUANTUM JUMPING: How KARMA & PAST LIVES Affect Shifting to PARALLEL VERSIONS of You! with Gaia Chinniah
    On today’s episode, we welcome the wonderful Gaia Chinniah to dive into the mystery of past life soul progression and the interconnectedness of parallel lives. Imagine living multiple versions of your existence simultaneously, each influencing the other in ways both subtle and profound. Gaia takes us on a journey through these unseen dimensions, where memories, actions, and energies from other realms affect who we are in the here and now.Gaia Chinniah, a gifted healer, shares her path from a life built on societal expectations to one of deep spiritual discovery. She reveals how, at the age of 33, her life took a dramatic turn when she stepped into her spiritual power, a shift guided by her connection with ancient knowledge and ancestral wisdom. Gaia candidly reflects, “I went 33 years pretending to be someone else, and I didn’t even know it.” Her awakening opened the doors to understanding the impact of past lives on the present and the role of parallel selves influencing the now.In this profound conversation, Gaia explains that many of our challenges stem from unresolved energies in other lifetimes or dimensions. She describes working with clients whose current struggles are deeply tied to parallel versions of themselves. Gaia recounts a powerful experience of helping a woman who could not conceive a child because of trauma experienced by a parallel version of herself. By healing that trauma in one dimension, the woman was finally able to move forward in this life.

    • We are multidimensional beings: Our lives are interconnected across timelines, and our current experiences may be influenced by versions of ourselves living in other dimensions. Healing one life often heals others.
    • Energy is memory: The actions and energies we create affect not only ourselves but ripple through our relationships, businesses, and even other lifetimes.
    • Ancestral healing is key: Often, we are carrying the wounds of our ancestors. By addressing their unresolved energy, we not only free ourselves but also those who came before us.
    Gaia emphasizes that “everything is a ceremony,” a reminder that we are constantly creating and concluding cycles. Our souls are always in progression, moving forward as we learn and heal from our past actions and the actions of our parallel selves. Gaia’s ability to channel between dimensions and help individuals access hidden parts of themselves is a testament to the power of inner work.In closing, Gaia offers a glimpse into how we can each tap into this multidimensionality. By meditating and connecting with our higher selves, we can access the wisdom of our parallel lives, bringing their knowledge into the present to guide us. She invites us to ask, “Where is another version of me that needs the ability I have now to step into my power?”

    Please enjoy my conversation with Gaia Chinniah.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.
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    1 時間 58 分
  • BONUS LIVE EPISODE: The Storm Before the Calm: Why the World’s Turmoil Signals a Better Future
    Join Next Level Soul's Wisdom From Beyond Virtual Summit:

    Join Alex Ferrari from Next Level Soul for a deep dive into the chaotic state of our world and the spiritual underpinnings behind it. In this transformative livestream, we’ll explore the energetic shifts, the awakening of consciousness, and the unseen forces at play. Why are we witnessing so much upheaval and uncertainty? What does this mean for the future of humanity? **LIVE Q&A Session Included!**

    Join Next Level Soul's Wisdom From Beyond Virtual Summit: Click here to save your spot 👉 https://nextlevelsoul.com/events

    Ready to transform your life and elevate your spirit? Join Alex Ferrari of Next Level Soul for Wisdom From Beyond, a transformative 6-day virtual summit (Nov 11-16, 2024). This isn’t just another event—it’s your gateway to profound spiritual awakening. Dive into the mystical realms of channeling and sacred wisdom and expand your consciousness.

    Channelers: - Darryl Anka (Channeler of 'Bashar') - Geoff Hoppe (Channeler of 'Adamus St. Germain') - Sheila Gillette (Channeler of 'Theo' - Paul Selig (Channeler of 'The Guides') - Sara Landon (Channeler of 'The Council') - Anne Tucker (Channeler of the 'Angelic Realm')

    Over 9 hours of Soul-Expanding Channeling Sessions.

    You get: - Six 90+ Min Sessions with world-renowned Channlers - Over $500 in BONUS Content from each Channeler - MP3 downloads of each session - Early Access & $100 off our 2025 LIVE IN-PERSON Event ASCENSION Conference

    PLEASE NOTE: After you complete the purchase of the Wisdom from Beyond Virtual Summit, you will be given access and your discount to purchase tickets to The Ascension Conference LIVE In-Person Event. (DISCOUNT AND ACCESS ARE LIMITED TO THE FIRST 50 BUYERS)

    Click here to save your spot 👉 https://nextlevelsoul.com/events

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.
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    1 時間 16 分
  • NLS 493: Man HIT by CAR & DIES, Shown Humanity's FUTURE in PROFOUND NDE - Stay Calm! with Gary L. Wimmer
    On today's episode, we welcome Gary L. Wimmer, a man whose journey through life and beyond will leave you questioning the nature of existence. In this profound conversation, Gary shares the riveting story of his near-death experience, during which he witnessed a future that seems eerily accurate and learned profound lessons about the universe. His experience wasn’t just a brush with death; it was a transcendental voyage that shattered his understanding of reality.Gary’s near-death experience occurred after a car accident, but what preceded the event was equally extraordinary. Before the accident, he experienced intense premonitions, telepathic connections, and a deepening sense of the mystical. He recalls walking down the street in Austin, Texas, when suddenly, the monitors—a group of angelic beings—appeared to him in a flash of light. They asked him one crucial question: "Do you trust us?" It was only after he answered yes that he was struck head-on by a speeding car. This marked the beginning of a journey beyond the physical world, where he expanded spiritually, encountered infinite mind, and grasped the profound interconnectedness of the universe.During the interview, Gary L. Wimmer vividly recounts the phases of his near-death experience. He describes the sensation of expanding beyond the Earth, past galaxies, and into a void of infinite love and mind, where he no longer recognized himself as a separate being. "It was pure, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful," he says, capturing the profound joy and fearlessness he felt while traversing the cosmos. It wasn’t just an out-of-body experience; it was a glimpse into the very mechanics of creation, where infinite possibilities manifest through infinite love.What’s perhaps most compelling is that Gary’s experience didn’t end with his return to his body. As he re-entered his physical form, he was shown visions of the future—events like 9/11 and the turbulent changes we see in today’s world. These visions revealed humanity’s struggles but also the hope of a future characterized by enlightenment and peace. It’s a reminder that despite the chaos, we are moving toward something greater.

    1. We are interconnected: Gary’s experience in the void of infinite mind speaks to the unity of all existence. "The illusion of separation is a challenge and a misconception," he notes, urging us to remember that, at the deepest level, we are all part of one infinite source.
    2. Free will shapes our reality: Gary emphasizes that while some events may seem predetermined, much of what happens is influenced by our free will. We have the power to change our future, both individually and collectively, by the choices we make today.
    3. Trust in the universe: When asked by the monitors if he trusted them, Gary’s affirmative response marked a turning point in his journey. His story reminds us to trust in the process of life, even when we don't understand it, for there is a higher wisdom guiding us all.
    Gary’s near-death experience is not just a tale of personal transformation; it offers insights into the nature of existence, free will, and the possibilities that await us beyond this life. His story challenges us to look at our own lives with new eyes, to embrace the spiritual dimension, and to recognize that even in the darkest moments, there is always light.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Gary L. Wimmer.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.
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    1 時間 7 分
    Vishen Lakhiani is an author and entrepreneur in the ed-tech space. He is the founder of Mindvalley, an education technology company building a new model for human education that aims to give everyone the same quality of life and benefits of an Ivy League education for 1/100 the price.

    Mindvalley creates tech and platforms that power online academies in areas that traditional education ignores. These include mindfulness, personal growth, wellness, spirituality and more. Mindvalley employs 400 people and has 20 million students globally. In addition to founder of Mindvalley, he is the founder of the transformational festival A-Fest. Vishen quest is to help move humanity to a more holistic, integrated education system that caters for the whole being.

    Now, Vishen is leading a revolution in meditation—and he says that trying to replicate ancient monastic practices within the chaos that is modern life is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. That’s why he developed his breakthrough technique. The Six Phase Meditation Method isn’t just about spiritual centeredness (which of course you’ll get)—it’s also about performance.

    FREE Masterclass on Access Altered States (The Silva Method)

    It actively impacts the way you show up in the world so you can help make it a better place. It’s a condensed, magic-making, joy-creating, productivity-inducing meditation that empowers you to get focused, find peace, and manifest your goals.

    FREE Masterclass Taught by Vishen - Be Extraordinary

    In short, Vishen hacked meditation to make it work for anyone, no matter how busy, prone to a wandering mind, or allergic to the lotus posture they are. Over years of study in personal growth that led him to consult with neuroscientists, monks, yogis, and meditation experts, he pulled from thousands of years of psycho-spiritual wisdom, cherry-picked the best bits, translated it all into plain English, and put it into a 20-minute practice that anyone can master.

    His new book is called The 6 Phase Meditation Method: The Proven Technique to Supercharge Your Mind, Manifest Your Goals, and Make Magic in Minutes a Day

    Don’t be fooled by the title. This book has nothing to do with meditation as you know it. We just didn’t have enough space on the front cover to call it The 6 Phase Multi-Faceted Psycho-Spiritual Transcendent Mind-Training Technique . . .

    Leading a revolution in meditation, entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author Vishen Lakhiani interviewed nearly 1,000 neuroscientists, monks, yogis, and meditation experts over years of study. He distilled thousands of years of psycho-spiritual wisdom to create The 6 Phase Meditation Method—aka, meditation for badasses.

    Used daily by athletes, artists, rock stars, and CEOs, the 6 Phase Meditation is a magic-making, joy-creating, productivity-inducing protocol that empowers you to get focused, find peace, and manifest your goals.

    The key to unlocking all this magic? Six unique thought exercises that you run through your head as a hyper-efficient programming script. You can complete this meditation from the comfort of your bed, from your office or on your next flight, wherever or whenever you choose.

    No matter how busy, prone to a wandering mind, or allergic to the lotus posture you are, the 6 Phase Meditation is suitable for absolutely everyone, no exceptions. And this transcendent sequence is custom-designed to produce these peak states in its practitioners in minutes a day. No boredom, special breathing, or “clearing your mind” required.

    Delivered with humor, a practical how-to, and a free app to support you on your journey, the 6 Phase Meditation is waiting for you.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Vishen Lakhiani.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.
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    56 分