Nighty Night Digger Dear - a bedtime story
Attention all construction vehicle lovers: this sweet bedtime story is about a tired little excavator––a digger––being tucked in for the night.
After a long day of hard work, even construction trucks need to stop and take a rest! Dump trucks, bulldozers, scrapers, rollers and DIGGERS must cool their engines, wash their windshields, put air in their tires and fill their tanks with gas so they’ll be ready for work in the morning!
“But now, while the stars are in the skies, it’s time to turn off your motor and close your eyes.
No more honking now, not one more little beep! Nighty-night, my Digger Dear––it’s time to sleep!”
I hope you and your little diggers dig this bedtime story-in-a-story.
As always, thank you for listening!
Love, Catbaloo and Old Mrs. Moody
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