• Three Pathways to God

    Every year, Jewish people in Israel and around the world take a special spiritual journey.

    And on today’s podcast, host Yael Eckstein shares how preparing for the upcoming High Holy Days can teach us all—Christians and Jews, alike—about connecting with God and ourselves.

    In coming weeks, Yael will explore how the sounds of the shofar awaken the soul; how Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, teaches us about the gift of repentance; and how Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, teaches us the power of forgiveness. We’ll discover the blessings of unity that Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, teaches. And we’ll see how this holy season ends with a celebration of God’s Word on Simchat Torah—bringing God and His word with us into the new year.

    Yael begins the journey by looking at the three spiritual paths—repentance, prayer, and charity—that help prepare us for the High Holy Days. Join us for this unique spiritual journey.

    For more information on today’s episode visit mybiblicalroots.org.

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  • 30 Days to the High Holy Days

    Have you ever noticed how many “30 Day Challenges” our society gives us? Challenges to lose weight, to learn a language, to straighten up your house, or even straighten up your finances! The world loves to give us month-long challenges.

    But did you know the Jewish people have been doing a 30-Day Challenge for thousands of years?

    That’s right! The Hebrew month of Elul began last night at sunset. And so did an ancient biblical Jewish practice—one Jesus likely participated in. During Elul, the Jewish people prepare themselves spiritually for the High Holy Days, which begin with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and conclude on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. This annual month-long challenge—performed by generations of Jewish people—lays the groundwork for real and lasting change.

    Host Yael Eckstein shows us that it takes a full 30 days to connect with God, nourish our souls, and make spiritual changes that last, setting us up for a successful year to come and a blessed life ahead!

    For more information on today’s episode visit mybiblicalroots.org.

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  • An Attitude of Gratitude

    The Bible isn’t just stories of epic happenings and holy miracles. It’s not all Noah filling the ark or David defeating Goliath, mighty armies falling at the hands of God’s people or great heroes rising from humble beginnings.

    God’s Word is full of meaning—even in the places we might not expect. And this week’s podcast is one of those places.

    Host Yael Eckstein takes a look at a passage in Scripture (Leviticus 2:4-7) that gives us a biblical history lesson—about the sacrifices and offerings that were brought to the Tabernacle, and then to the Temple. And, as Yael explains, even though we no longer bring the sacrifices described in the Bible, these verses still contain eternal messages relevant to our lives today—teaching us all to be grateful.

    Yael talks about how meeting the needy who The Fellowship helps restore her own perspective and sense of gratitude. And she shares the prayer that she recites the first thing each morning as soon as she opens her eyes.

    Discover how to better cultivate a grateful heart so that you can have an attitude of gratitude—feeling blessed, joyful, and thankful every single day of your life.

    For more information on today’s episode visit mybiblicalroots.org.

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  • Hope for the Jewish State—Ambassador David Friedman

    “How does a nation come to Jerusalem?”

    That’s a question that comes up during Yael Eckstein’s latest conversation—with former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman. A Nobel Peace Prize nominee and the co-architect of 2020’s groundbreaking Abraham Accords, Friedman freely shares about his work in the ambassadorship. And aside from his time in the embassy, the ambassador has also enjoyed a long and respected legal career and a second career as an author.

    His new book, One Jewish Stateits foreword by former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and out on September 3—looks hopefully and thoughtfully at the possibility for peace in Jerusalem. And during his conversation with Yael, Ambassador Friedman also shares his wisdom on life and faith—ultimately sharing an answer to the afore-mentioned question that was given more than two thousand years ago by the prophet Isaiah.

    So listen now to this insightful and inspirational conversation with a true servant and ambassador for America, for Israel, and for all people of faith.

    For more information on today’s episode visit mybiblicalroots.org.

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  • A Friend of Israel—Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

    “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” (Ruth 1:16)

    These words from the Bible—spoken from the Gentile Ruth to her Jewish mother-in-law, Naomi—were quoted in a Christian publication in 1932.

    As anti-Semitism rose in Germany—soon to spread across Europe, along with the Second World War—even then, Christians were standing up for their Jewish brothers and sisters. In this particular article, taken from the published archives of the Assemblies of God (AG), church leaders call on Christians to be like Ruth, supporting their needy Jewish loved ones.

    This instance of bravery ended up on the right side of history. But it was just one in a long line of Christian and Jewish bridge-building and fellowship displayed by this denomination founded back in 1911. By 1915, the AG is condemning anti-Semitism in Europe—long before the Holocaust, Jews faced pogroms in Russia and elsewhere. And as soon as the Nazis began their rise to power, the AG voiced their stance against anti-Semitism and for the Jewish people, loudly and to the world.

    This history of friendship between Christians and Jews is why Yael was excited to invite AG Director of Communications and Public Relations Mark Forrester to the podcast. Having served the AG for 16 years, Mark also published Trending Up: Social Media Strategies for Today’s Churches in collaboration with close friends across denominational lines.

    A true bridge builder, Mark shares instances of historic and heroic support for the Jewish people. And a true friend of Israel, Mark talks about his first trip to Israel, as well as a visit to a southern kibbutz near Gaza shortly before the October 7th attacks. Join Yael for this inspiring conversation.

    For more information on today’s episode visit mybiblicalroots.org.

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  • Teaching Our Children Hope

    What is the one thing we must teach our children if we want them to never give up on their values and beliefs? We must teach them hope.

    On today’s podcast, host Yael Eckstein shares how perpetual hope in God’s promises has sustained the Jewish people through enslavement and exile, through pogroms and persecution, and even through the Holocaust. Each year, on the Jewish observance of Tisha B’Av, this foundational principle of hope is celebrated as the Jewish people mourn the many tragedies that have befallen them throughout history on this very day.

    As Yael explains, by teaching our children that the world is not as it should be, we are equipping them to never give up. There is always hope for a better world and a better future. Listen now!

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  • Finding Light in the Darkness

    If you’ve ever felt like giving up, today’s episode is especially for you.

    In less than two weeks, Jews around the world will observe the darkest day on the Jewish calendar, Tisha B’Av, the ninth day of the month of Av. On this day, Jewish people weep for something that happened more than 2,000 years ago—the destruction of both the First and Second Temples that once stood in Jerusalem. But, while this is a day of deep sorrow, host Yael Eckstein explains it’s also one of great hope—a hope that has sustained the Jewish people through the centuries.

    As people of faith, we should never lose hope. We worship a God of love, mercy, and compassion, and He is fulfilling His promises from the Bible. Listen now to this encouraging message.

    Learn more about Tisha B’Av.

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  • Rabbi Daniel Korobkin—On Faith and Fellowship

    “My heart is broken for the Jewish people, and I want to help in any way that I can.”

    These words, from an elderly farmer in America, longing to help the people of Israel—God’s people—in their time of need inspired Rabbi Daniel Korobkin when he heard them recently. As the rabbi tells Yael Eckstein in this podcast conversation, “it shook so many of us so deeply… it was moving to see this kind of care.”

    This friendship and shared faith—this fellowship—between Christians and Jews is what drew Rabbi Korobkin to The Fellowship—the decades of bridges built by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, of blessed memory, and continued today. Since 2021, Rabbi Korobkin has served on the board of IFCJ Canada, where he also serves as Senior Rabbi for Beth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto.

    Being born and raised in the U.S.—where he also taught and served congregations before moving north—as well as learning from his mother’s experiences surviving the Holocaust as a young girl on one of the kindertransports has positioned Rabbi Korobkin to understand and appreciate not only The Fellowship’s supporters, but so many of the Jewish people in need we help.

    And it is this life of experiences—from the U.S. to Canada, from synagogue to soup kitchen, from America to Israel—that Rabbi Korobkin shares with Yael in this inspiring conversation on shared faith, on what friendship and support Israel today, and how The Fellowship and our friends around the world are showing the Jewish people that they might be, as Balaam says in the Book of Numbers, “a solitary nation”—but while they are “alone, they’re not lonely.”

    For more information on today’s episode visit mybiblicalroots.org.

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