Daily Dose of Hope
November 21, 2024
Day 5 of Week 34
Scripture: Isaiah 20-22; I Corinthians 2
Welcome to the Daily Dose of Hope, the devotional and podcast that complements the Bible reading plan at New Hope Church in Brandon, Florida. Today is Thursday so you will have the next two days off. This can be Sabbath or you can take this time to catch up or get ahead.
Our Old Testament reading today is Isaiah 20-22. Again, we find prophecies against Egypt, Cush, Babylon, Edom, and Arabia. As we mentioned yesterday, the Israelites had been putting their hope and trust in other nations’ protection, rather than God. God is basically saying he will bring these other nations down. Interestingly, God had Isaiah strip off his clothing and walk around naked as a way to demonstrate the shame and disgrace of God’s people for trusting in others rather than God. That definitely makes a point and even borders on crazy.
That leads to this question – is God calling you to do something crazy? I don’t think God is calling you to strip down to bring shame to Israel BUT if he can ask Isaiah to do that, what might he be asking you to do? Nothing is too out of the box.
Isaiah 22 moves to Jerusalem. It is speaking of a time in which the people have moved up to their rooftops. They are celebrating when they should really be repenting. The exact event being described is unclear. It could have been a siege by the Assyrians (around the year 700BC) or it could be the future destruction by Babylon in 586BC. It may even be speaking of both. While the rulers have taken some strategic defensive actions, the Lord is upset that the people have not sought out his help.
Our New Testament reading is I Corinthians 2. To put it mildly, Paul is frustrated with the church at Corinth. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, they have access to the mind of Christ. Paul is saying that even though they are believers who have received the Spirit, they are beginning to behave like unbelievers.
Just for some background, Corinth was very much a troubled church. They were dealing with sexuality immorality, tremendous conflict (they were suing each other in civil courts), and abuse of spiritual gifts. As we get further into the book, we will talk more about their abuse of the Eucharist, or communion. Those who were wealthy would eat and drink first, having communion together, getting full and getting drunk. When the poor came to the table, there would be nothing left. Not surprisingly, Paul found this reprehensible.
How easy it is for Christians to say yes to Jesus but then sit back and not grow. There is also the temptation to slip into comfortable, easy Christianity (an oxymoron if ever there was one). The reality is in our culture and society, a person can profess faith in Jesus, go to church, go through the motions, but never know the mind of Christ. How critical it is to unite with other believers who will encourage us to grow and challenge us to live in the Spirit. Do you have the mind of Christ? Do we have the mind of Christ as a body of believers? What will it take for us to get there?
Pastor Vicki