Jesus goes wild in the temple. But given its sheer size, this was likely nothing more than a small skirmish off the side of the larger area. One that many barely noticed. And when he was done with his outburst, those buying and selling and exchanging money likely righted their booths and tables and kept on doing their thing.
What can get lost in all of this is the only words Jesus spoke, but they were not his words. They were the words of the prophet Jeremiah. In a tactic often employed by rabbis, Jesus quotes part of a verse as a reference to the larger context. Here, he quotes from Jeremiah 7 which is a full scale condemnation of those who practice evil, and still claim to worship God. It seems this is the one thing Jesus cannot tolerate is hypocrisy. Of course, we all do it, it’s just whether we are willing to admit it.
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